6 Perks Of Being A Single Woman

P.S. I Love You
Published in
6 min readMar 23, 2017

I had to start this article by sharing a quote from Beyoncè — a quote to live by. Beyonce believes that a woman’s independence comes from knowing who you are and being happy with yourself. This is extremely important and valid, particularly living in a world where a woman is seen as “unhappy” because she is single. You don’t know true immense love and freedom until you have been alone with yourself. Every woman fears being alone forever but one can only value and appreciate solitude until they experience it. To summarize, you can’t get what you can’t give yourself. You can’t find happiness in a relationship without being happy and content with yourself, and that is why being single is valid. To get rid of the negative connotation associated with being single, here are six perks of being single. Who says single can’t be fun and fulfilling?

  1. You can keep your options open

Good news, you don’t belong to anyone, neither are you any ones property. You belong to yourself, you own yourself and you can do whatever you want with yourself. No guilty feeling when flirting with a different guy from Monday to Sunday.

You can flirt with tom, dick and harry as you please. When a woman has options to pick from, she has power and becomes the one who makes the most important decision.

Should I commit?

She doesn’t have to deal with the fear of being dumped.. if she gets tired of entertaining John, she can decide to move on to Henry without feeling guilty. Being a single woman, you are fortunate and blessed to have pure freedom to do whatever you want without having to consider what someone else thinks. You don’t have to compromise and no man is entitled to any explanation from you (unless you genuinely want to give him one). You can stay home all day being a bum or go out till two a.m without anyone knowing or caring about your whereabouts…well except your family. You don’t have to answer to nobody.

2. You save a lot of money

Source: www.wifflegif.com

You save a lot of money when you are single because you don’t have anyone to spend it on. On the bright side, you don’t have to spend a ridiculous amount on any man. Let’s be honest, these bills add up. e.g., movie tickets, food, taxi, gifts, gift cards from his favourite store. You get to spoil yourself and spend all your money or non-existent money on nobody but yourself.

You can decide to surprise yourself with a gift on Thursday, because you had an amazing day on Wednesday. You can buy dinner on your way home and get to eat it all by yourself. You can send beautiful flowers with a tiny note appreciating yourself for working hard in school or at work.

3. You receive free gifts from men

You get free gifts from men that want to impress you. Now, whatever gift you receive isn’t a shortcut to some time in your bed. The only time a man should be in your bed is because you invited him willingly. I am also not suggesting that you go out of your way to be a beg or ask a man for something because you can’t afford it, but if he offers, you don’t say no.

Tip: My three rule when it comes to receiving gifts from a man is

Nod > Smile > Thank you

You let him, thank him and take your gift because you deserve it. If you didn’t, he wouldn’t have offered. I mean who doesn’t love being spoiled?

Source: http://fashionnable.tumblr.com/

4. You get to spend more time with family and friends

Unlike women in relationships, you don’t have anyone to invest time in and this is why friendships and family are important and necessary. Having a solid support system is very needed in a world that isn’t exactly rainbow and sunshine. Family and friends will be there after a man leaves. No doubt, they will laugh in your face when something awkward happens, or tease you in public to annoy you, but when the tough gets going, they will be there to listen, support and help you. Friendships are beautiful when friends turn into family.

Family = Friendship

Friendship = Family

They say, “Blood doesn’t make you family, loyalty does.” This quote is very accurate and precise.

5. You don’t have to worry about shaving

What is shaving your legs during winter? What does “shaving” even mean because that word is unfamiliar. As women, we have to fit into the norms of the society. We have to be hairless and smooth like dolphins and look perfect all day, every day. But perfection isn’t a part of humanity and it never will be, because it is boring. Some women like to keep warm during the winter by not shaving their legs and I agree. No one really walks around wearing shorts and mini skirts during winter, we all tend to cover and layer up. Being a single woman, I am happy to say that you can easily get away with not shaving because you don’t have anyone to impress.

When next someone tells you to

You tell them

6. You can explore your sexuality

Don’t you just hate it when you feel you have wasted a body count over a man that couldn’t please you? If a sexual activity doesn’t result in mutual benefits for both parties, you wasted your time and efforts.

I urge women to open their minds to sex toys and explore their sexuality in the four walls of their bedroom. This is why there are women in the world who will never know what great sex feels like, or worse, what an orgasm feels like. How do you expect a man to please you when you don’t know what you like? Being single, you have enough time to explore, understand, respect and value your sexuality. When a woman has sex with a man, orgasms aren’t really guaranteed, but when a woman uses her sex toy, we all know the end result ;)

To all my beautiful, strong female readers, being single is a blessing. I promise that it is okay to be selfish with yourself, energy, time, money, body, and your space. Remember to focus on your growth and your journey to success, it is key.

Men are temporary, growth is permanent

Thank you for your attention and your time, see you in my next article.

Love from Zee

