Why a married girl Sacrifices her Aspirations…

P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018


MARRIAGE, a union of two souls entirely distinct from each other. Their love binds them into a lifelong relationship. They come together to live in harmony with each other. You enjoy all the happy moments together.

Days pass, weeks pass and so the months. You go back to your old schedule, to follow your aspirations, to chase your dreams. Life becomes so smooth for you. You got a loving partner who never demands or complains anything from you. She becomes happy in your happiness, keeping aside her pain. She obeys what she is instructed to, forgetting her pain.

The “Pain,” she got by sacrificing her dreams, aspirations. The pain she suffered when you forget to give her career any priority.

She was outstanding in her academics, she wanted to have a successful career, and courteous life, but couldn’t because all she wanted was your support which you never gave. She was hoping that you will ask about her aspirations, and you will hold her hand to get her closer to her dreams, but you were so busy chasing your dreams that you never cared for hers.

What a women sacrifices in a lifetime are unmatched and unbeatable. Doesn’t matter how much qualified, or highly educated she is, she never hesitates to please you and obey your words. She sacrifices her looks, her appearance when she bears a child. She surrenders her independence to look after you and your family. She sacrifices her “ME” time to give proper care and nourishment to your baby.

But, in return what did you gave her, except for the “Marital Tag.”
Why is it that adjustment, sacrifices, compromise, all these are for women, why can’t you make sacrifices? Why can’t you adjust to make her dreams come true?

Women are not meant to be captivated by a marital tag. It’s you who need to understand her; it’s your responsibility to give preference to her career as much as you give to yours. She is not meant to be bound by relations and circumstances. If you can do as per your desire, why can’t she?

She won’t tell you, but she expects you to understand her. She won’t show you, but she needs you to see the sadness behind her smile. She won’t ask you, but she needs you to give her time to live her life the way she wants, rather than capturing her inside the marital frame.

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P.S. I Love You

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