Women are sneaky, lying, conniving, treacherous charmers.

I didn’t say it. A woman did. In a comedy routine.

1 min readMay 17, 2024

Michelle Wolf, silly voiced comedian- she admits it and makes fun of it- made a joke on stage about women being sneaky, lying, conniving treacherous charmers.

And the reason the joke is funny is because it’s true. And she recognizes it’s true. And she recognizes you recognize it’s true.

Her joke is about pioneering days, all those First Nations people who died after being presented blankets infected with smallpox.

“Some of the stuff white men did, I can’t even believe it was their idea,”says Wolf from the stage.

“Like, some of the stuff was too clever. Like, when we gave native Americans blankets with smallpox, that was definitely a woman’s idea. That has “mean girl” written all over it,” Wolf said, slyly.

“You know it was a woman who thought of that. The men would be like, ‘We’ll stab them and throw them in a river.’ And then a women was like, ‘No, no. Let’s give them blankets. ‘Cuz then they’ll think we’re friends. And we’ll be like, “Bye!’”

If you want the Michell Wolf comedy set on stage set that includes this joke, click here.

Some might be offended by the joke. For those offended, well, I guess you’ll have to grin and bear it. It ain’t mansplaining if a woman says it.




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