4 Tactics You Can Learn From Consultants to Be Perceived as More Competent

Exposing the little tricks of management consultants

Alex Miguel Meyer


competent strategy consultant applying tactics to be perceived as more competent
Photo by Robert Kneschke on Canva

Have you ever feared being called out for being incompetent, unintelligent, or even a fraud?

For consultants, that’s a typical everyday type of fear.

It’s imposter syndrome squared.

Clients pay a lot for you, and you likely know little about the company or the problem they hired you for.

But if people don’t perceive you as competent, you will not get access to the needed information and people. A negative spiral begins.

I have dealt with it for years. I have seen it from all angles as a consultant and later as a manager hiring consultants.

The sad truth is that sometimes, the only way out is survival tactics. A consulting subculture of “Fake it ‘till you make it” has emerged. Unfortunately, some never leave this group.

Here are 4 little tricks consultants use to radiate the needed competence.

Framing Theoretical Knowledge as Experience

I used to read about company and industry trends to prepare for projects. Yet people knew I was junior. Why?



Alex Miguel Meyer

Instructor & Coach I Founder of the Career Accelerator I Assess your career skills here: https://alexander-yrocgkao.scoreapp.com