Are You Scared to Tread on Cracks?

Why do you think you fear cracks?

Elaine Hilides


Photo by Andrew Gook on Unsplash

I remember walking along the pavement when I was young and getting my feet in a right old tangle.


Because I used to try to avoid stepping on the cracks on the floor, it’s harder than it looks to do this; you take a few mini steps and then have to take a huge leap. You can get away with this type of cavorting in the street when you’re a child but less so as an adult.

Where did this fear of stepping on the cracks come from? Who knows?

Maybe from the same superstitions that get passed down through generations. I wouldn’t say I’m superstitious, but I still unconsciously knock on wood for luck and not to jink something good, and I salute a solitary magpie and ask how his family is.

What do you think will happen if you step on a crack?

Why Do You Worry about Cracks?

Are you plagued with what might happen if you step on the cracks? Maybe you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and think that something terrible will happen if you slip up and miss your footing.

Jack Nicholson had this feeling in the film As Good As It Gets. If this is you, remember that a thought isn’t truth; it’s just a thought. So, if you have…



Elaine Hilides

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.