☁️ How to Create a VPC on Huawei Cloud

Ertugrul Basar
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2023

Introduction 🔦

Hi everyone 🙌, in this article, I will show you how to create a VPC on Huawei Cloud. But before we begin, let me provide you with a brief description of what a VPC is.

What is VPC?

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) enables the isolation of online resources through virtual private networks, ensuring secure communication between your cloud resources, the internet, and on-premises networks.

Creating a VPC ⚡️

After accessing the VPC main screen, as shown in the screenshot, we can proceed by clicking on “Create VPC” located at the top right, as indicated.

VPC Main Page

- Basic Information

VPC Basic Information

In the Basic Information panel, as shown in the screenshot, we will address 5 key points 👇.

1️⃣ Region: The first step in creating a VPC is to choose the region where the services will be utilized. Typically, selecting the closest region is the most logical choice.

2️⃣ Name: You have the option to set a name for the Subnet you create. It is advisable to choose a descriptive name that accurately represents the purpose or location of the subnet for easier identification and management.

3️⃣ IPv4 CIDR Block: You can specify the CIDR block of your VPC here. While you have the option to choose any IP, it is recommended to select an IP from the recommended and supported range of three options.

4️⃣ Enterprise Project: You can select the Enterprise Project to which the VPC belongs.

5️⃣ Advanced Settings: You can create up to 10 tags and provide a supplementary description for your VPC here.

- Default Subnet

After completing the basic information, we can now proceed to create the default subnet that will be used. This allows us to partition an IP network address into multiple smaller network segments.

VPC Default Subnet

In the Default Subnet panel, depicted in the screenshot, we will address 6 key points 👇.

6️⃣ AZ: You can choose the Availability Zone within the region where your Default Subnet will be located. Distributing your resources across multiple subnets in different Availability Zones ensures high availability.

7️⃣ Name: You can set a name for the Subnet you create. It is recommended to use a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of it.

8️⃣ IPv4 CIDR Block: This value must be within the VPC CIDR block. In CIDR notation, an IP address is followed by a forward slash (/) and a number, which indicates the size of the network prefix. The number represents the number of significant bits in the network address. This allows us to adjust the number of available IP addresses.

9️⃣ IPv6 CIDR Block: This option enables us to set an IPv6 CIDR Block. Once enabled, the system automatically assigns an IPv6 CIDR block to the created subnet, and customization of it is not possible.

🔟 Associated Route Table: The subnet will be associated with the default route table by default. However, you have the option to change the route table to a custom route table on the Subnets page.

1️⃣1️⃣ Advanced Settings:

a. Gateway: The subnet’s gateway address that is used to facilitate communication with other subnets.

b. DNS Server Address: By default, Huawei Cloud assigns private DNS server addresses. However, if necessary, you have the option to modify the default DNS server addresses. It’s important to note that changing these addresses may disrupt your access to cloud services.

c. NTP Server Address: You have the flexibility to configure the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server IP addresses that should be added to the subnet. You can enter up to four valid IP addresses, separating multiple IP addresses with commas.

d. DHCP Lease Time: The lease time determines the duration of IP address usage assigned by the DHCP server, with an option for unlimited duration.

e. You can create up to 10 tags and provide a supplementary description for your Subnet here.

(You can create a maximum of three subnets here, but you have the option to create additional subnets on the respective page)

After completing these steps, you can now click on “Create Now,” and the created VPC will be visible in the list, as shown in the screenshot below 👇.

VPC Main Page

Conclusion 👈

In this article, we have provided an explanation of what VPC is and guided you through the process of creating one. Understanding and utilizing VPCs are crucial for modern work solutions. We encourage you to explore this service further and try out a few practice exercises.

Thank you for reading, and please feel free to reference this article in your own work if needed.

References 💁

