How to Run a #responsivecoffee Meetup

Ashley Penning
3 min readApr 29, 2014

Along with some my fellow #responsiveorg friends, we have successfully put together #responsivecoffee meetups around the globe in the Netherlands, Australia, and the United States. Some of these have been repeated by others who have attended or just seen the Twitter posts from during and after the events, and we regularly get the same question:

What goes into putting together a #responsivecoffee? I’m excited to share with you that’s it’s really quite simple and only takes 5 easy steps which you will find below!

5 Steps for running a #responsivecoffee:

  1. Pick a good coffee place. “Good” is relative obviously, but I highly recommend a place with ample space for up to 15-20 people depending on how much interest you anticipate. Make sure the coffee is as unique as the conversation and the location is central enough for people to easily get to.
  2. Don’t over think it. This isn’t some complicated event that requires a lot of pre-planning. Other than picking a “good” coffee spot, no additional planning is necessary (and this is coming from one of the biggest planners). You don’t need an agenda. Just a start time. You don’t need a designated speaker. Just great minds open and willing to have a conversation. The conversation will run itself.
  3. Get the word out. Share on Yammer, Twitter, in the #ResponsiveOrg LinkedIn group, your local ESN Advocates group, wherever is fitting! Make sure each time, you include the hashtag #responsivecoffee and share with the #ResponsiveOrg Meetups Site. Typically sharing about a week to two weeks in advance is all the time you need. Start by asking if anyone is interested. Then a few days before the #responsivecoffee, share the location. And finally one day before the meetup, send a friendly reminder. Easy as pie!
  4. Show up. If you’re the one orchestrating the #responsivecoffee meetup, I recommend getting there 20-30 minutes early to ensure that a spot is secured for the size of the group you are expecting. Round tables or areas where you can sit or stand in a circle work best. People will arrive early. People will arrive late. Expect this, make introductions quickly, and welcome them to join the conversation as they arrive.
  5. Be responsive. You can’t have a #responsivecoffee without being responsive to the conversation, right? It will take a life of its own. You might be surprised at how little (or not at all) you will need to help the conversation along. If I notice someone being a bit quiet due to the Type A personalities taking over (*cough*myself*cough), then I will directly mention their name and ask them what they think. Other than that, go with it. Maybe take a moment to sit back and listen, as there could be a couple of conversations at once. Take it all in. Part of being responsive is listening to what you’re responding to.

And that’s it! Easy enough, right? I have found these meet-ups to include some of the most engaging and insightful conversations that I have ever been a part of and that’s due to the unplanned nature of it. If you have any questions, feel free to inquire in The Responsive Org group or find me on twitter @AshleyGross.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to run a #responsivecoffee in your city! And don’t forget to add the hashtag #responsivecoffee so we can see all of the amazingness in action!



Ashley Penning

Pint-sized, Eternal Cheerleader. Wife. Social Media Advocate. #Baker. Follower of Christ. And always in transition becoming a better version of myself...