[Discontinued] How To Convert SRK to SparkPoint on BSC Using JustLiquidity

This tutorial will show you how to convert SRK (ERC20) to SparkPoint on BSC (BEP20) using JustLiquidity.

Melissa Mesias
3 min readMar 8, 2021


Disclaimer: This feature has been long discontinued. SRKb is now the official SRK token on the Binance Smart Chain and the support for bSRK (BurgerSwap) and SRK on BSC (JustLiquidity) has ended.

READ: Explainer: The Official SRK On Binance Smart Chain, SRKb, And The Others

Step 1: Open JustLiquidity

Open your internet browser. Go to the JustLiquidity interface. Make sure that the URL is https://tokenbridge.justliquidity.org.

Connect your MetaMask wallet by clicking Connect Wallet.

Make sure that you’re connected to the Mainnet network when you’re converting tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain.

Step 2: Convert SRK to SparkPoint on BSC

Once you have connected your MetaMask wallet and set it to the Mainnet network. You can now input the number of SRK tokens you want to convert to SparkPoint on BSC.

In this case, I’ll be converting 2,000.000 SRK tokens and I’ll be getting 1997.000 SparkPoint on BSC tokens.

Once you have placed the desired amount of SRK tokens you want to convert to SparkPoint on BSC tokens then click Unlock.

A MetaMask window will open and ask your permission to allow ttps://tokenbridge.justliquidity.org to withdraw your SRK and automate the transaction for you. Click confirm.

Once the transaction has been approved in your MetaMask wallet, you can check it in Etherscan.

Then, click Transfer.

A Confirm Transfer will appear. Review the details of SRK tokens to be converted to SparkPoint on BSC. It also shows the Bridge Fees of 0.15. Then, click Continue.

Another MetaMask window will appear confirming the relay of tokens. Click Confirm.

After the relay of tokens has been confirmed, the number of SparkPoint on BSC tokens will appear in the Balance. I now have 1997.000 SparkPoint on BSC.

To check your SparkPoint on BSC tokens in your MetaMask wallet, paste this token contract address: 0x3b1ec92288d78d421f97562f8d479e6ff7350a16 in the Add Custom Token field.


This is the overall process of bridging SRK to the Binance Smart Chain using JustLiquidity.

Learn more about SparkPoint and SparkDeFi from the following links:
SparkPoint Website:
SparkDeFi Website: https://srk.finance/
SRK-ETH on Uniswap: https://srk.sh/uniswap
Trade SRK: https://srk.sh/trade
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/sparkpoint
SparkDeFi Telegram:
SparkDeFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/SparkDeFi
SparkDeFi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SparkDeFi
SparkDeFi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdefi/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sparkpointio
GitHub: https://github.com/sparkpointio
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/sparkpoint/

