Mission Briefing: One Man’s Quest to Rate the Entire Universe, One Thing at a Time…

Jack Russillo
11 min readNov 29, 2014

My name is Jack Russillo and I’m a college freshman who just moved to the big city (Seattle) from a small town in the middle of nowhere. Every day I rate something on a scale of 1 to 100.

Growing up in a small town on a small island in the Northwest corner of the United States has given me a unique perspective on the rest of the world around me. Where I grew up, there are no chain restaurants, no parking meters. There’s not even a single stoplight. Not exactly a metropolis. So when I moved down to Seattle to begin my studies at the Unversity of Washington as a freshman, I noticed just how much there is in the world. It’s astounding. There’s always people bustling around to do one thing or another and an incredible amount of things to experience. I feel like I know only a mere fraction of what I can take advantage of in the big city.

I find a lot of aspects of mainland life to be quite interesting. Most of these things I’m witnessing for the first time, like Pagliacci Pizza or stores being open past 5 o’clock. I want to share my perspective with the world. I will be posting daily to rate, on a scale of 1–100, some of the aspects of living in the “real world”. I will rate some things that I find particularly controversial, amazing, or just downright awful. Most anything really.

This is an example of a good rating and this is an example of a bad rating.

And here’s what else I’ve rated thus far:

If you have any objections, comments, inquiries, or topic suggestions, feel free to hit me up on Twitter: @jackrussillo or follow me on Medium to get my daily posts.



Jack Russillo

A Pacific Northwest archipelagan exploring the outdoors and spreading culturally-respectful and sustainable perspectives on the preservation of natural spaces.