Guide to Nootropics for Beginners

Starting Off on the Right Foot with Cognitive Enhancers

Brainwave Bliss
2 min readMar 21, 2014

Ever since I saw the movie, “Limitless,” I have wondered anew about using nootropic supplements to help augment my cognitive and other mental functions. Middle age has a way of enabling one to contemplate on recapturing the glory days of youth, including the mental sharpness (relatively speaking) of student days.

Knowing nothing much about the subject, questions naturally arose. Such as, how to choose nootropics, how to build the so-called nootropic stack, what are the different types and how to take with how much dosage, what are the safety issues, and so on and so forth.

Well, I think I found a guide that is a good starting point in my exploration, and hopefully it will benefit others as well. Here’s the link:

The Beginners Nootropic Guide: Answers to Newbie Questions

And here’s an excellent video titled “Nutrients for Better Performance” presented at none other than the Google Tech Talks by Steven Wm. Fowkes, Director of the Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute and a co-author of the book Smart Drugs II.

Related links:

Beginners Guide to Nootropics: Everything You Need to Know
This guide will answer all the newbie questions associated with the subject of nootropics: how to choose a nootropic, building a stack, complete nootropics list, how much dosage to take, and more.

