Could you really be a cat person? The real reason cats are man’s best friend

Anthony Robert
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2023


Photo by Raoul Droog on Unsplash

Growing up, I was a dog guy… and annoyingly proud.

I drank the Kool-Aid. I bought the milk bones. I even kept a tennis ball in my pocket for an emergency game of fetch.— You never know when your dog might get the urge.

And I loved being a dog guy. Every time I got asked those stupid ice-breaking questions, the ones that rarely reveal anything significant, the “what do you like better, dogs or cats?” of the world, I would proudly say dogs and even hold a bit of contempt for anyone who disagreed. I was highly suspicious of people who said cats.

You like cats? Are you ok?

Do you need help?

Is there something I can do for you?

Hey Johnny, keep an eye on Greta. She’s a cat person. She can’t be trusted.

Which, of course, like nearly all assumptions, is inherently stupid.

But then, like a midlife crisis where everything you once thought was solid is now flimsy, my identity was shaken after I moved into a house with a cat.

And with a healthy ounce of regret, I have to admit I think I’m a cat guy. Here’s why:

If dog is man’s best friend, cat is a man’s true friend



Anthony Robert
The Haven

Best-selling author, humorist, copywriter, ghostwriter, and all-around-writer-guy. Want to work with me? Email