A Superior (Realistic) Alternative to NoFap that Actually Works

Quit p*rn for good — without any of the guilt, self-disgust, and shame

Neeramitra Reddy


Source: Improvement Pill (Edited with Fotor and Skitch)

I’m writing this right after a NoFap relapse.

It’s technically not a relapse — because I no longer do NoFap.

After 3 years of struggling and experimenting with NoFap, I found an effective and realistic alternative.

Thanks to this new method, I feel zero guilt, shame, or despair — all of which spiral into binge relapses and hopeless darkness earlier.

Our method solves the 2 core problems NoFap suffers from — with simple psychology and environment design. The best part?

It doesn’t need willpower or motivation — only patience and intent.

I’m 100% convinced this method will help me break free from p*rn and mast*rbation forever — in the long run.

You’ll soon see how exactly it can free you too!

The #1 Core Problem With NoFap As A Whole Is…

NoFap’s fixation with Streaks.

Streaks are excellent motivators while you’re on a (long) streak. But the moment you relapse?

The house of cards collapses — and you fall back to Square One (or so you feel). You drown in hopeless despair.

Yes, the NoFap community will say, “A relapse isn’t the end. Restart your streak. Stay strong” — but the ‘Day 0’ (which used to be ‘Day 87’) staring back at you?

It’ll scream “Ha! You’re back to Zero. Loser!” The problem isn’t the intent or mindset here — but the streak itself.

When the “win criteria” is the streak length, how can you NOT focus on your streak?

It’s like obsessing about “How many days since my last cheat meal?” instead of “How much weight am I losing?”

The moment you relapse or eat a cheat meal?

Your streak goes to zero — and “ vaporizes” all your anti-p*rn or fat-loss progress. Then, the Chaser effect kicks in.

“I’ve anyways relapsed and returned to zero. Might as well go all the way.”

It’s this “all the way” binging and the resulting hopelessness that negates your progress — not the actual relapse.

A single relapse on an 87-day streak sucked me into a black hole — that I took months to crawl out of!

Made with yvisuals.app

Worse is if you repeat this loop enough to “give up” on NoFap as a whole!

That’s where our method shines — it vaporizes streak fixation, relapse negativity, and binge-relapsing.

Plus, it comes with a system (we’ll soon cover) to track and boost NoFap progress — realistically and sustainably.

But before that, we’ll have to address NoFap’s 2nd core problem.

The Actual Enemy of NoFap Isn’t Mast*rbation…

It’s P*rn.

As NoFap’s mission statement itself says “NoFap™ is a community-based peer support website to help people overcome p*rn addiction.”

But since p*rn and fapping go hand-in-hand (no pun intended), NoFap restricts both. I tried “delinking” p*rn and fapping many times — only to fail miserably.

With infinite cocaine-like p*rn one click away, HOW can/would you stay away from it?

Especially with the strong Chaser effect kicking in post-relapse — without p*rn or with?

But I finally found a simple solution to delink p*rn and mast*rbation:

Making p*rn (near) impossible to access — on all my devices:

Once set up, these locks are near-impossible to disable — unless we expend a lot of time, energy, and brain power.

So, what are the only 2 options left?

  • Don’t mast*rbate at all. This is core NoFap itself, so a default win.
  • Mast*rbate without p*rn. This delinks mast*rbation and p*rn, so this is a semi-win too! My system (we’ll see next) prevents binging and spill-overs too.

Without the edging, fantasizing, and dopamine of p*rn, even mast*rbation loses its temptation — so strict NoFap ensues by itself.

Even if it doesn’t, the tracking system will handle and control our fapping.

My Simple System to Track and Overcome Lust

Untangling NoFap’s 2 core issues, our method solves them both separately.

While perma-blocking solves the p*rn problem, this system will solve the Streak problem.

Quick shoutout to Akshad Singi for sharing his core productivity system — which I’ve now adapted into this NoFap system.

This system focuses on true cumulative progress — and not individual streaks. It prioritizes long-term recovery over ego hits of short-term streaks.

All you need is WhatsApp (or Notes/Telegram) and a few daily minutes:

  • Allow yourself a mast*rbation “speed” — for me now, it’s once per 14 days. This doesn’t mean I have to (or will) mast*rbate every 14 days — it’s only the minimum win criteria we’re defining.
  • Create a solo (WhatsApp) group with yourself — and send out a message highlighting your goal. Word it “Mast*rbating once per X days” — the word “per” is super-crucial as you’ll next see. If you wish, you can add other duration-based daily goals as I have.
Screenshots by the author
  • Every day, track via a simple “DD/MM Status” message — highlighting how ahead, on-par, or behind your “speed” you are. In my case, “2 ahead” means I haven’t fapped in the last 28 days. “2 behind” could mean I fapped thrice in the last 14 days. “0” means I fapped once in the last 14 days.
Screenshot by the author
  • Delete the previous day’s message — so at any time, the main Goals message and the latest Status message alone exist.
  • The tracking is cumulative and not streak-focused! This is why we say “per day” and not “every day” — fapping after a “streak” of 14 days or in the middle of 14 days means the same. Our only focus is our number of fap-free days — not continuousness.
  • The slow, stress-free, yet certain progress of this system — if and when your “Ahead” keeps growing, you can upgrade your base speed — say from “Mast*rbation once per 14 days” to “Mast*rbation once per 21 days”. As that speed grows, 28 days. Then 42, 56, and 84 days — both the speeds and acceleration can grow!

The best part?

If and when you mast*rbate or “relapse,” — nothing is “negated.” Only your tracker score goes down by a mere 1 — contrast this with a streak that falls from, say, 124 days to 0!

There’s nothing to “build back”, “restart”, or wallow in hopeless despair for.

There’s only continuous long-term recovery.

Godspeed, brother!



Neeramitra Reddy

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