A little girl and her Random Act of Kindness | Diary of a Cake Loving Fitness Mummy on WordPress.com

Louise Sharp
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2017

The most beautiful, heartwarming thing happened to me yesterday afternoon, so special that I know I need to share with the world.

I was walking through Whitley Bay town centre with my daughter Jessica yesterday, when I heard someone shout ‘Excuse me’, I turned around expecting someone to tell me I’d dropped something, or ask who my energy supplier is — the norm in my home town

But instead a young girl aged around 8 or 9 handed me a bunch of daffodils, a chocolate bunny and a note and said ‘These are for you’ completely thrown I asked ‘Oh my goodness, why’? and she replied ‘Because you’re special, and people need to be told they’re special. And we all need to be kind to each other. So these are off me and my Grandad’

Completely gobsmacked and amazed by this kind gesture, I thanked her and told her she’s extremely kind and that makes her special too, and wandered home, abandoning what I had went out to do. I needed to get home and tell my son, and share the story on social media there and then, when full of emotion.

Reading over the note again, I saw the little girls, name is Cassidy. I have since found her parents on Facebook and my post has gone viral and full of compliments Cassidys mum and dad can read to her to let her know what a special little girl she is.

Of course I was not the only person to experience this amazing act of kindness yesterday, I have heard from at least five or six others too. One my friend Jo who runs local homeless charity Making Winter Warmer and it’s great to see her on the receiving end of kindness for all the good work she does.

This little lady and her Grandad completely made my day, if not my year and I’ll keep the note forever and look at it every single time I feel I’m having a difficult day.

On the note Cassidy states we need to be kind to others, and she’s right, we absolutely do, and as parents, we need to teach our children to do the same ❤

Follow Diary of a Cake Loving Fitness Mummy on WordPress.com

Originally published at loualexa77.wordpress.com on April 12, 2017.

