Why You Shouldn’t Waste Your Time Writing One Star Reviews

Negative reviews are a waste of your creative energy

Aaron Nichols
Age of Awareness


“You can have literature without literary criticism, but you can’t have literary criticism without literature.”

-My Literature Professor

I have a confession to make: I love reading one-star reviews of famous places and literary classics. This could include national parks like Rocky Mountain or Arches (4.9 and 4.7 average stars), landmarks like the Sydney Opera House or The Hoover Dam (both of which are rated 4.7 stars), and The Great Gatsby (which more than 11,000 people have given one star to on Goodreads).

Here are some of my favorites:

1) Arches National Park:

Twas hot in the DESERT?! I certainly shan’t be visiting.

2) Rocky Mountain National Park:

It certainly was rude of those damn conservationists to not pave over the mountains before you visited!

3) The Sydney Opera House:

