Shepherd Bluejay Band Boosters Launch Scrip Fundraiser

Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal
2 min readDec 1, 2015

The start of December marks the kick off of the Shepherd Bluejay Band Boosters’ Scrip-based Fundraiser. The booster’s Facebook explained how it will work:

Scrip Fundraiser is underway. Remember the percent showing on the card is the amount that will be credited towards your students account. Example: Bath & Body Works $25 card receives a 13% return or $3.25 towards your students account. Why buy the card at the store when you can purchase through Scrip and raise money with no effort. But wait there’s more!!! This fundraiser runs all year long. You can purchase gift cards through the band at any time. In fact you can set up your account directly with Scrip, purchase cards every month for your normal groceries, gas, etc. and raise money for your student. If you have questions on how to set this up. Please let Tim or Kim know.

Happy December 1st Everyone! Christmas shopping is in full swing and the Shepherd Band is here to help you out! Our Scrip Fundraiser is now open and I am attaching the listing of gift cards vendors that you have to choose from. As always, you can go to to view these online as well. Deadline for orders is December 13th. The order will be sent on December 14th and should arrive by December 18th.

Orders can either be placed on-line through your scrip account or via paper order placed in the lockbox located in Mrs. Gross’s band room. Checks will need to be made out to Shepherd Band Boosters. Please indicate the students account to be credited. Orders will not be placed without payment attached.

For more information, contact Tim Daugherty at or Kim Greening at

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Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal

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