The Ideal Time to Exercise if You Want to Lose Fat Fast

Science says this is the best time to exercise if you want to lose fat fast.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health



Fat loss is extremely difficult without exercise. Dieting can help you lose weight but exercise speeds up the process and makes you stronger and leaner.

Exercise at any time during the day is beneficial for fat loss.

But science says working out in the morning is the best to accelerate your fat loss journey.

Morning exercise for fat loss

Morning exercise can show miraculous results for fat and weight loss. I lost six pounds in 30 days by doing 15 minutes of morning exercise.

Morning workouts are the best bet if you want to lose fat fast without starving yourself.

In this study, the men who exercise in the morning before breakfast burned more fat during the day compared to those who worked out after breakfast.

Exercise before breakfast improves glucose tolerance which decreases insulin insensitivity. Managing your sugar levels can make fat loss a cakewalk.
Insulin sensitivity builds lean muscles and leads to faster fat loss.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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