November Update — Exchange updates, new structure for newsletters & welcome Kyle to the team!

Vaughn Murphy
2 min readNov 19, 2017


Hello loyal Darcrus and Mercury fans! It’s been quite the past few weeks for our team and community. We first want to share the exciting news about our Mercury token and how this helps move our project forward.

Mercury gets listed on Bittrex & UPbit!

As some of you may know MER was added to Bittrex and UPbit on the same day last week. We saw over $20 million in volume on the first day alone!

Not only is this a big step forward for our token but it also adds liquidity to our market and thus shows the crypto space that the Sigwo team is here to stay and that we mean business. We want to thank Bittrex and UPbit for working with us throughout the process.

Update to how we release news

Recently our team decided we will be releasing news in terms of developments rather than on a set schedule like we’ve been doing for the past 10 months. The reason for this switch is so we can update our community with progress and milestones that we reach and not to publish blog posts for the sake of reaching our deadline each month. We feel this will allow our team to be more focused without the need to update our community if we don’t have any real news to share.

Welcome Kyle

Last month we also saw the addition of Kyle to the Sigwo team, a front-end developer with years of experience in HTML, CSS, PHP, cPanel and linux. He has worked with over 50+ different website hosting companies over the span of 7 years. “I was always interested in new technology, so it’s only natural that I would want to get involved with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The community support behind these technologies are enough to give hope of a better future, for everyone.”

Feel free to say hi to Kyle in Discord. If you haven’t joined us yet, jump in and say hello.

Thanks again for all your support as we work diligently to bring you updates about Darcrus, Mercury and Sigwo Technologies.

Find us online

If you haven’t connected with us through social media yet, be sure to like and follow so you can stay up to date with the latest Darcrus, Mercury, and Sigwo Technologies news.


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Vaughn Murphy

Marketing and Community Manager at Tokes Platform. Furiously passionate about springboarding into the decentralized revolution.