Fastai Course Chapter 4 Q&A on Mac

An answer key for the questionnaire at the end of the chapter

David Littlefield
Mac O’Clock


Image by Efe Kurnaz

The 4th chapter of the textbook provides an overview of the training process. It provides a detailed introduction to measuring the loss, calculating the gradient, and updating the weights. It also covers some of the mechanics of the training process which includes tensor operations, activation functions, loss functions, optimizer functions, and learning rate.

We’ve spent many weeks writing the questionnaires. And the reason for that, is because we tried to think about what we wanted you to take away from each chapter. So if you read the questionnaire first, you can find out which things we think you should know before you move on, so please make sure to do the questionnaire before you move onto the next chapter.

— Jeremy Howard,

1. How is a grayscale image represented on a computer? How about a color image?



David Littlefield
Mac O’Clock

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