150+ FREE Resources Every Developer Needs to Know

Nerd For Tech
Published in
8 min readMay 23, 2024

Discover a goldmine of 150+ free resources covering everything from APIs and hosting platforms to cheat sheets, icons, learning platforms, and more! Ready to turbocharge your development journey?

Let’s dive right in, and get this exciting journey started! 🚀

YouTube Channels:

  • freeCodeCamp: Offers free courses on web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
  • Traversy Media: Provides tutorials on web development, programming languages, and frameworks.
  • The Net Ninja: Offers tutorials on web development, JavaScript frameworks, and more.
  • Programming with Mosh: Provides tutorials on programming languages, web development, and software engineering.
  • Academind: Offers tutorials on web development, programming languages, and software engineering.
  • Codecademy: Offers free interactive coding exercises.
  • Dev Ed: Provides tutorials on web development and design.
  • The Coding Train: Offers creative coding tutorials and challenges.
  • Derek Banas: Provides tutorials on various programming languages and technologies.
  • Tech With Tim: Offers tutorials on Python programming and game development.

Websites & Blogs:

  • MDN Web Docs: Provides free documentation on web development technologies.
  • W3Schools: Offers free tutorials and references on web development technologies.
  • DevDocs: Aggregates documentation for many programming languages and frameworks.
  • CSS-Tricks: Provides articles and tutorials on CSS and web design.
  • Smashing Magazine: Offers articles and tutorials on web development and design.
  • A List Apart: Provides articles on web design and development.
  • Stack Overflow Blog: Offers insights and news related to programming and software development.
  • Hacker Noon: Publishes articles on technology, programming, and startups.
  • GeeksforGeeks: Offers tutorials and articles on web development, programming, algorithms, and data structures.
  • SitePoint: Offers articles and tutorials on web development and design.

Free APIs:

  • JSONPlaceholder: A free online REST API that you can use for testing and prototyping.
  • OpenWeatherMap API: Provides weather data and forecasts.
  • REST Countries API: Offers information about countries.
  • Random User Generator API: Generates random user data.
  • NewsAPI: Provides access to news articles from various sources.
  • Alpha Vantage API: Provides access to financial market data, including stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, and more.
  • PokeAPI: Provides Pokémon data including Pokémon, moves, types, and more.
  • Open Food Facts API: Access food product information and ingredients.
  • NASA API: Offers access to NASA data, including images, videos, and information about space missions.
  • The Dog API: Provides random pictures of dogs.
  • OpenTriviaDB: Offers trivia questions and answers.
  • Chuck Norris API: Provides random Chuck Norris jokes.
  • VirusTotal API: Analyze suspicious files and URLs for malware.
  • Google Maps Platform: Offers APIs for embedding maps, route planning, location search, and geocoding into mobile apps.
  • Firebase: A comprehensive development platform that provides features like authentication, real-time database, cloud messaging, and more.
  • GIPHY API: Integrate GIFs and stickers into your applications.
  • OMDb API: Access a database of movies and TV shows.
  • Mockaroo: Allows you to generate large volumes of realistic test data in a variety of formats.
  • Faker: A library for generating fake data, including names, addresses, and more.

Free Web Hosting Platforms:

  • GitHub Pages: Host static websites for free.
  • Netlify: Offers free hosting for static websites with continuous deployment.
  • Vercel: Provides free hosting for static and serverless applications.
  • Heroku: Offers free hosting for web applications with limited resources.
  • Firebase Hosting: Host web apps and static content for free with Firebase.
  • Render: Offers free hosting for web applications with automatic SSL and custom domains.
  • AWS Free Tier: Provides limited free usage of various AWS services, including hosting.
  • Google Cloud Free Tier: Offers free usage of Google Cloud Platform services, including hosting.
  • Glitch: Offers free hosting for Node.js applications with collaborative editing.
  • InfinityFree: Provides free web hosting with unlimited disk space and bandwidth.
  • Surge: Static web publishing for front-end developers.
  • Supabase: For building modern apps with a scalable backend.
  • Cyclic.sh: Host your static sites with zero configuration.

Free Domain and SSL

  • Hostinger: Hostinger offers affordable, reliable web hosting services with excellent customer support, a user-friendly interface, a free domain & SSL, and a designated CMS.

Free Color, Font, Icons, & Illustrations Resources:

  • Coolors: Generate color schemes for your projects.
  • ColorHunt: A free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes.
  • ColorHexa: A color encyclopedia that provides detailed information about any color and generates matching color palettes.
  • Adobe Color: Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Adobe Color community.
  • Canva: An online design tool offering free templates.
  • Colormind: A color scheme generator that uses deep learning to create cohesive color palettes.
  • Google Fonts: Access a wide range of free fonts for web projects.
  • Font Awesome: Offers free icons and icon fonts for use in projects.
  • FontSquirrel: Hand-selected, high-quality, commercial-use free fonts.
  • DaFont: Archive of freely downloadable fonts, including a variety of styles.
  • Fontjoy: Generates font pairings to help you choose fonts that go well together.
  • 1001FreeFonts: Thousands of free fonts available for personal and commercial use.
  • FontFabric: Provides high-quality free and premium fonts for designers.
  • Unsplash: Provides high-quality free stock photos and illustrations.
  • Freepik: Offers free vectors, photos, and illustrations.
  • Pexels: Provides free stock photos and videos.
  • Icons8: Provides free icons, photos, illustrations, and music.
  • Flaticon: Offers free icons in various formats, including SVG, PSD, PNG, and more.
  • Google Material Icons: Offers a wide range of free material design icons.
  • Undraw: Offers open-source illustrations for your projects.
  • BoxIcons: Simple and beautiful open-source icons, carefully crafted for modern design trends.
  • Feather Icons: A collection of simply beautiful open-source icons.
  • IcoFont: A huge collection of 2100+ icons in a single font.
  • SVGRepo: A repository of free SVG vectors and icons.
  • Iconmonstr: Discover over 4000 free simple icons.

Cheat Sheets:

FREE Sites for HTML/CSS Templates

  • HTML5 UP: Provides responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates.
  • FreeHTML5.co: Offers free HTML5 templates for websites.
  • Templated: Features a collection of free, creative HTML5 and CSS3 templates.
  • Start Bootstrap: Provides free Bootstrap themes and templates.
  • One Page Love: Offers free one-page website templates.
  • ThemeWagon: A large collection of free HTML5 templates, including Bootstrap themes.
  • Colorlib: Provides a variety of free HTML5 templates for different types of websites.
  • BootstrapMade: Offers free Bootstrap templates for various niches.
  • HTML5 Boilerplate: A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
  • Mobirise: Free HTML website templates based on Bootstrap framework.
  • Tooplate: Provides free HTML templates for various types of websites, including business, portfolio, and personal sites.
  • Bootswatch: Offers free, customizable themes for Bootstrap, making it easy to change the look and feel of your website.
  • HTMLRev: A collection of free HTML templates and themes for personal and commercial use.

FREE JavaScript Animation Libraries

  • GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP): A robust JavaScript library for high-performance animations.
  • Anime.js: A lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple API.
  • Velocity.js: An animation engine with the same API as jQuery’s $.animate().
  • Three.js: A JavaScript 3D library that makes WebGL simpler.
  • ScrollReveal: Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport.
  • Mo.js: A motion graphics toolbelt for the web.
  • Lottie: A library for rendering Adobe After Effects animations in real-time.
  • Popmotion: A functional, flexible JavaScript motion library.
  • AOS (Animate On Scroll): A library to animate elements as you scroll down.
  • Kute.js: A JavaScript animation engine with excellent performance and modularity.
  • Wow.js: Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page.
  • Typed.js: A JavaScript library that types.

FREE Code Editors

  • Visual Studio Code: A powerful, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft, featuring a wide range of extensions, a built-in terminal, and a rich ecosystem for debugging, syntax highlighting, and version control.
  • Atom: A hackable text editor for the 21st century, created by GitHub. It offers a customizable interface and a plethora of plugins and themes to enhance the coding experience.
  • Brackets: A modern, open-source text editor that understands web design. Developed by Adobe, it features live preview, preprocessor support, and an extensive plugin ecosystem.
  • Sublime Text: A sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose. It offers a distraction-free writing environment, multiple selections, and a powerful command palette.
  • Notepad++: A free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. It’s lightweight, fast, and comes with a host of features such as syntax highlighting and code folding.
  • Geany: A lightweight, fast, and flexible code editor that provides basic IDE functions like code folding, syntax highlighting, and a built-in terminal emulator.
  • Vim: A highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. Vim is often praised for its powerful keyboard shortcuts and flexibility.

FREE Prototyping and Wireframing Tools

  • Figma: A web-based design tool that is great for UI design and prototyping. It offers a free plan and has collaborative features.
  • Adobe XD: A powerful, collaborative, easy-to-use platform that helps you create prototypes.
  • InVision: A digital product design platform that helps you prototype, collaborate, and manage your design projects.
  • Sketch: A vector graphics editor for macOS that’s primarily used for UI and UX design.
  • Mockplus: An all-in-one design, prototyping, and collaboration tool that helps teams create interactive wireframes and prototypes quickly and easily.

FREE Browser Extensions

  • Wappalyzer: A browser extension that uncovers the technologies used on websites.
  • ColorZilla: An extension for color picking, gradient generator, and other color-related tasks.
  • WhatFont: Helps you identify the fonts used on any webpage.
  • Web Developer: Adds a toolbar with various web developer tools.

Other Handy Tools

  • AI Home Design: All-in-one AI companion for easy home designing online.
  • JSONLint: A validator and reformatter for JSON.
  • Regex101: An online regex tester and debugger.
  • BundlePhobia: Helps you find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle.
  • Lighthouse: An open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication.
  • Foundation: A responsive front-end framework that makes it easy to design beautiful responsive websites.
  • Lorem Ipsum Generator: Generates random placeholder text.
  • Spreadsheet Templates: Google sheets and Excel templates for business, personal, home, and educational use.
  • Colossyan AI: Colossyan is an AI video platform that can be used to create professional videos from text.

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