Batch summarize and translate docs via OpenAI or a local LLM for privacy: Introducing yet another Summarizer

Sean Ryan
4 min readJun 6, 2024

An obvious application of LLMs is to summarize and translate text — so already we have quite a few command line tools (such as scottleibrand/gpt-summarizer) and websites (such as ZeroGPT). However as an engineer, it is interesting to “build your own” and my own mrseanryan/gpt-summarizer (same name, unfortunately!) has some nice features:

File types:

  • Summarize text, markdown, HTML, PDF files

Summarization levels:

  • Summarize at different lavels: short, long, and per-paragraph


  • Translate to a target language

Data sources:

  • Batch summarize whole directories of files
  • Download a file via URL and summarize it

Private LLM:

  • Optionally use a locally hosted LLM, for maximum privacy and prevent any loss of IP (Intellectual Property)

Cost savings:

  • Avoid re-summarizing a previously processed file
  • Calculate cost estimates (when using Open AI)

Output files:

  • Output files in YAML format (as opposed to JSON): cheaper for LLM to generate, easy for humans to read
  • Output files with a “.yaml.txt” file extension, for easy previewing and…



Sean Ryan

Versatile and creative full stack developer, tackling UI and data challenges to delight the user. Passionate about UX, clean architecture and machine learning.