Do The Math

As an Israeli, the backlash against the recent NSA’s related revelations strikes me as naive and misguided.

Ishener Zaph
1 min readNov 17, 2013

The NSA’s extensive eavesdropping were a direct result of 9/11 attacks. Their goal was to prevent terrorism, and the infiltration of radical fanatics into the west in an attemp to kill as many civilians as they can.

One must ask himself, what is more important to society: not having a computer program go over each and every one of your private emails, or preventing terrorist attacks?

The damage inflicted to society by surveillance can be regarded as great. Some easily outraged people may even argue that this damage is bigger than the damage inflicted by terrorist attacks. But no one can argue that the damage inflicted by surveillance has a very broad spread. Many Many people suffer very mild damage of being exposed to computer bots.

In contrast, in a terrorist attack, a (supposedly) small amount of damage is concentrated on a very small number of people. But this small amount of damage can actually mean someone was killed or seriously injured.

Don’t you think it’s better to damage the entire society in a broad spread, than having a few individuals taking all the damage? Of course you don’t, you are hypocrat liberal white people…



Ishener Zaph

A real virtual guy in a virtually unreal world