Modern HR stack (for job search and hiring)

Find the job you’ll love
3 min readMar 3, 2016


If you are looking for a job or hiring there are many websites and tools you can choose from.

Here is a list of the best job seeking and hiring tools and websites picked up by AMAJOB. Most of them are two sided — meaning they are used by both employees and employers. Some are dedicated only for hiring and managing HR purposes only.

Anyway hope you will find this list helpful!

sidenote: if you want to add any particular website or tool just write in the comments — thanks!


Bear in mind that many job boards let you filter search by ‘internships’ but is solely dedicated to this topic.

If you are eager to become a nomad you will find this websites useful:

You can find some additional websites on Product Hunt:

By the way — Buffer has a great collection of tools that can help you with your remote setup:



Find the job you’ll love

AmaJob we make each workplace a happier place @amajob by @emilkrze