3 BigQuery SQL Tricks to Undo Your Screw Ups

Messing up while writing and running SQL is inevitable; your recovery determines whether this is a hiccup or an apocalypse.

Zach Quinn
Learning SQL


It Began As A Mistake.
“It Began As A Mistake.” Photo by Varvara Grabova on Unsplash.

I have some bad news for you; while writing SQL you will screw up and sometimes it will be bad.

But the greatest thing about working in code is that if you stay calm and think on the fly, nearly everything is fixable.

Even though I’ve grown as a data engineer, I mess up queries and accidentally write to tables more than I care to admit. In the beginning, I panicked. Now, I immediately go into problem-solving mode.

Although, from experience, I can tell you there are millions of ways to screw up in your data job, the three tricks I’ll demonstrate below will serve as a handy control-z for every day situations you’ll face as a first-year SQL developer.

Please note that my preferred SQL dialect/environment is BigQuery, so all examples will be relevant to GCP. Either way, results may vary.

SQL Undo Trick # 1 — Time Travel



Zach Quinn
Learning SQL

Journalist—>Sr. Data Engineer; new stories every Monday.