Profitable and Secure Business Model

Cyber Capital Invest
3 min readSep 21, 2018


The sudden rise of cryptocurrencies

The first idea of ​​a decentralized digital currency named ‘bit gold’ was designed by Nick Szabo back in 1998. However, before such a concept became reality, it took another 10 years. In 2008, an anonymous person using the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ developed Bitcoin which became the first decentralized cryptocurrency. In the following years, numerous cryptocurrencies followed. But it wasn’t until late 2017 they had their big breakthrough.

In December that year, the value of Bitcoin shot into relentless heights and took the majority of altcoins with it on its way to the moon. Many investors made a mint of money, especially those that bought Bitcoin during the times crypto was widely unknown. But for many this boom has also caused huge financial loses. A great number of investors feared of missing out and jumped on the train during the market peak, hoping that the prices would continue to surge. As the prices began dropping just shortly after, they lost a great part of their investment and many people faced financial ruin.

Ever since the cryptocurrency market has experienced countless ups and downs. While the media polarize, investors become torn. The destiny of cryptocurrencies is uncertain, but many people are confident that they will establish themselves in the end. Fast transactions, low fees, and decentralization make them particularly attractive. In addition, countless decentralized projects with real-world usage are brought into being that are based on the concept of cryptography.

Day to day difficulties of traders

However, finding your way around this market is anything but easy. The time spent researching the countless crypto projects and gaining knowledge about the fundamentals of the market is enormous. Additionally, there is a great deal of misinformation on the Internet and black sheep are present everywhere that are eagerly waiting to exploit the naivety of new investors in order to steal their hard-earned money. And even if you are cautious and possess the theoretical knowledge of trading, there is still a lack of practical experience. Without a high level of such, making crucial mistakes is likely going to happen.

The founder and CEO of the upcoming investment platform Cyber Capital Invest (CCI), Nikita Kaperzov, experienced similar issues. Although he always tried to keep up with the volatile cryptocurrency market and used various sources of information to gain knowledge and experience, the time required to achieve this was simply too great in relation to the low profit. Realizing that millions of people must encounter this problem, Kaperzov designed the concept of CCI.

Invest money with confidence

The goal of Cyber Capital Invest is to provide investors with a profitable and secure business model in the face of an erratic cryptocurrency market. Instead of taking trading in their own hands — with all the risks and uncertainties — investors deposit their capital into their accounts on the CCI platform and let experienced traders utilize their money to make a profit. While users can flexibly choose how long they want to invest their money for, they can also decide whether they want to submit any personal data.

At the end of the selected investment period, investors are credited with the profit on their accounts and they can subsequently withdraw their previously deposited capital coupled with their yield. Incidentally, CCI offers an automatic insurance of funds that investors pay into their user accounts. In addition, a team of security specialists ensures that the CCI platform is protected from fraud in the best possible way.

Due to its ease of use, the high safety standards and the protection of privacy, Cyber Capital Invest is a great choice for anyone who wants to generate profit with crypto worry-free.

Feel free to contact us in case you have any questions regarding the Cyber Capital Invest project by sending an email to

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Cyber Capital Invest — Cryptocurrency Investment Fund where professional traders guarantee you profit.