Meet the InsurePal Team

VouchForMe blog
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2018

There’s a lot of great things happening at InsurePal at the moment as we forge ahead with our platform. Preparing our project for the next big step has been our number one priority for a while now. We had to go around and completely move away from the ICO phase and its business strategy which was at that time based on attracting and expanding our community to the fullest. After the funding phase of InsurePal successfully finished, our project started moving fast towards the maturity phase. To develop, implement and deliver what we have set up for ourselves in the whitepaper we had to get our hands dirty — fast!

As we are one step closer to the MVP launch in autumn, we have decided to expand our team and recruit like-minded, seasoned professionals who are passionate about bringing this project to life and move towards a common goal. On whom we can depend, and who can adapt.

We believe that a team who shares ethics, vision and values will make the greatest impact on a company’s future so we’re happy to announce that we have a few new faces around the office — which you will see a lot more in the upcoming months.

New members in the management team:

Our team grew bigger for a new COO, Damir Kervina, who is with his engineering and startup business development skills extensively taking care of the product development from the concept to the market.

The person in charge of everything IT is Matjaž Tercelj (CTO), a senior software developer and an experienced tech team lead with a background in engineering POS systems, location-based services and IoT platforms.

Robert Kovačič (Compliance Counsel) and Daniel Biesuz (Legal Counsel) are making sure that everything is in compliance with the law and helping InsurePal stay in line with the regulations.

Aleš Tomažin has over 15 years of experience in insurance sector and strong knowledge in all aspects of actuaries’ work. Aleš took over the position of VP of Business Development at InsurePal and is responsible for the implementations of partnerships.

Jacob Westerlaken took over a strong position in the Business Development team. He has an extensive background in traditional insurance and is mainly involved in client relationships and development of partnerships.

Besides recruiting a new management team, InsurePal has grown for 4 new developers, experienced new Blockchain, Insurance and Development Advisors and a new marketing team who will make sure our community is up to date with the happenings.

As InsurePal team continues to grow, we have already opened additional new positions in the company and are always looking for passionate people to join our team.

In the meantime, follow us on social media so you don’t miss any new updates:

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VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.