Eric H Cole

What will I do today?

I can’t change, even if I tried

Eric Harrison Cole
4 min readJul 6, 2013


What will I do today?

I don’t really have a plan. I’ve actually been up several times but he doesn’t seem to be stirring at all. I usually can just glance over at him and listen for his restful breathe. It’s still restful. And with him there is no telling how long he will sleep. That’s fine with me. I’m in no rush.

Yesterday was a quiet day. We sat around the house all day long. Didn’t go out anywhere. Not even a walk. It wasn’t raining. It didn’t seem hot on the deck in the morning or afternoon. He didn’t go to work all day long. He seemed a bit quieter than normal but I guess he’s allowed. He definitely wasn’t sick. I checked. No temperature at all. I have my days too when I am happy in solitary quiet.

I remember when we met a year or so ago. I haven’t kept track of the exact amount of time. I’m not really a subscriber to all that nonsense of knowing how much time has passed like some are these days. It seems an unnecessary obsession. It just isn’t in my realm of interest.

When we met, a year ago, I’m not entirely sure I was looking for anyone in my life. He surely was because he sought me out. It wasn’t that he passively was looking. He was very actively looking. A conscious decision had been made. And he was very comfortable with the choice to seek me out. Well, most likely, not specifically me but that’s how I like to think about it from my viewpoint. I think it might have been fate or some semblance of fate for why else would I have happened to be in that place, at that time when he was looking?

It was definitely not the proverbial “love at first sight” for me. I was aloof. I have never bothered to ask him if it was love at first sight for him. At this point, what would the answer really matter. We are in love now and probably unconditionally so at that. Do you think that’s possible? I do and I would know, after all, I’m the one who’s experiencing the emotion, aren’t I? Maybe he was smitten at first glance. Maybe it took a few weeks. I don’t care. We can’t do without each other now so anything else is irrelevant. The problem is, now you have me wondering too. But not so much so that I would ask him. Why spoil any moment with that conversation?

We moved in together quite quickly. I don’t know what I had expected quite honestly. I had never lived with anyone before but it just seemed right. I had been somewhat of a nomad or vagabond in my early years flitting from place to place not really caring too much where I ended up for a night or two or ten. It was actually quite fun. I enjoyed it immensely, at the time. But the decision to move in with him was much easier than I had ever imagined it might be and I settled in to that home life quite well. He settled in amazingly well too. But his personality is like that.

There were the usual fights live in companions have I’m sure. I had ideas and designs on where my things should go. He complicated this further by buying me gifts and almost constantly so. I remember wondering, “If we can’t agree on where my things should be placed then how can you continue to bring me more things that need a home?” I never asked but, eventually, we came to an agreement of sorts where my things just quietly found a home. I’m not sure if he gave up or I did. I just works, our system.

He doesn’t like me in his bedroom when he is gone. I still haven’t figured that one out quite yet. It’s probably still the biggest hangup in our relationship to this point. I’ve never asked him for details on this topic. It definitely bothers me but we’ve chosen his place to reside and the relationship is still young, so I don’t question. I figure there will be a time or place he will explain this strange quirk of his or, even better, it will simply end. I’m a free spirit in that way. I don’t necessarily need explanations, just resolutions that are mutually beneficial. Closing the bedroom door quietly upon exiting the building is not mutually respectful or beneficial.

Meal times are our quiet times. A time of introspection as we dine. He is a vegan. I most definitely am not, and have no intention of dining on roots, beans and leaves. How he accomplishes this with a smile on his face is a complete mystery to me. Give me some meat and I’m a happy soul.It definitely puts a smile on my face and rightly so as any flavorful cut of beef, chicken or pork should do. I’m not picky and I’m proud to be carnivore. Vegans can have their stalks and tofu.

I see he is finally stirring from his slumber. On the quiet days this is a very slow process. On work days, it’s a flurry of activity and drama. Based on his movements, it’s going to be a quiet day today and I’m perfectly happy with that in my world. Those are the best days. And it changes my thoughts of what to do today. Maybe a trip to the park to sit by the pond and watch the ducks? Or maybe a walk through the tree lined streets surrounding our home? Even a lazy afternoon nap on the deck beneath the waving tree limbs would be a nice way to enjoy each other’s company. That seems odd to say since we both are just waking up. But why not?

I’m not picky how we spend the day. No dog ever is.

