Research Concludes These 5 Habits Are Making You Dumber By The Minute

Protect your brain by giving up these vices.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A picture of brain
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do you feel like you are losing your intelligence as you grow old? Do you feel like you are becoming dumber as the years go on? Does the guarantee of wisdom that comes with aging feel like a myth?

Your hypothesis of getting dumber by the year can be true and your lifestyle will be the reason why you are losing brain cells at a rapid rate.

A bad lifestyle can wreak your health completely. One bad habit can cause you years of pain and suffering. And a combination of these habits can take years of your life.

So, read this list as a warning, because all these habits can become life-threatening in long term.

1. Your Diet Is Making You Dumb

Everyone knows what a menace junk food is, and how it has the power to destroy your health. It is the leading cause of obesity which is a key factor in many lifestyle diseases, both mental and physical. In other words, it will make you fat and sad.

In many previous animal research, it is found that junk food affects the size of the brain of the mice.
But this research proves that same is true for humans,



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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