5 Achievable Systems to Transform Depressing Loneliness into Empowerment

When you are living alone

Writer's Dream


A system to have an emotionally fulfilling day without depending on others.
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Are you living with your family?

Then probably this article is not for you.

When we live alone, we encounter few self-realizations.

If you are living alone, sometimes you may feel like any of these below-

  1. You don’t have anyone physically available to talk to
  2. You feel a void in your life
  3. You feel directionless
  4. You experience the fear of anxiety

No matter how big a problem is, there is always a solution.

I have designed a system to depend on myself as much as possible.

And it works.

So, without further introduction, let’s start the system.

Do not sleep in the afternoon

When I stayed with my parents, I used to take a nap in the afternoon.

Science suggests taking long naps during the day increases laziness.

When I am living alone, I replace the naps with some hobbies like

  • Journaling
  • Writing
  • Painting
  • Reading a book


If I sleep in the afternoon, it becomes difficult to sleep at night. And it impacts the following day. I feel drowsiness and laziness.

So when I don’t sleep in the afternoon, I feel tired enough at night to fall asleep and wake up on time.

Read books

I have started the habit of reading books (both ebooks and physical).

Reading ebooks help you to get wonderful ideas on self-improvement, productivity, business, etc.

You can read ebook summaries if you do not have time to read the full ebook.

A few of them are -


Instead of purposeless internet surfing, if you spend time learning, it gives you motivation.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” — Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Build your small online empire

A few months ago, I was unsure if building something online was possible.

But now, after reading so many success stories on Medium and other social platforms, it gives me hope that building an online revenue stream is possible.

When I started writing on Medium, I did not know if I could continue alongside my 9–5 job.

But now, I manage to publish 2–3 articles every week.

I follow a few big social accounts to learn about the step-by-step process on the below-

  • Step-by-step process to build an online presence
  • Create an online product that solves people’s problem
  • Engage with your audience
  • Attain financial freedom early in life


In my online writing journey, I am at the starting point. I have no sales or big numbers to show. But the process of building an online empire helps me replace the lonely time with fun and excitement.

And doing something close to my heart gives me the energy to start a new day.

Photo by José Francisco García Cuenca on Unsplash

Cook your food

When I lived with my parents, I did no cooking.

I have learned cooking since I started living alone.


  • It is meditative
  • It adds to your healthy diet
  • You save money
  • It kills loneliness

Clean your living space

I do a deep cleaning of my rooms on the weekend. There are many benefits to it.

  • It adds to your physical workout
  • It declutters your mental state
  • It adds satisfaction to see cleanliness around you


When you clean your rooms, you replace a lazy time with physical work.

It is a way to say NO to mind chattering when we do nothing.


Below are the action items for you.

  1. Find a hobby that is very close to your heart.
  2. Do that activity for at least 30 mins a day.
  3. Try to see how you can create an online product on your hobby. It should solve people’s problems.
  4. Do physical workouts.
  5. Read books.

If you follow these steps, you will not have time to think mindless thoughts that make you sad.

You are transforming your lonely time into something creative.

Join my email list for free and get your free e-book on writing by clicking here. I write on online writing, simple lifestyle, and books to read.

