Covesting’s Crypto Intelligence Portal kicks off

Covesting Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2018

We have a piece of really exciting news to share with you! Covesting has achieved another milestone: we have launched our Crypto Intelligence Portal, an unprecedented educational and informational initiative in the cryptocurrency world.

The Crypto Intelligence Portal is an online treasury of info on cryptocurrencies, starting from the basics to sophisticated trading ideas and technical analysis. Professional traders and novice investors will benefit from news, videos, tutorials, articles, trading ideas, and other educational materials posted on the Crypto Intelligence Portal. The materials will cover both the fundamental concepts, such as the nature of cryptocurrency and ways to use it, and advanced cryptocurrency trading topics, daily trade ideas and technical analysis from experienced digital asset managers.

The platform features an easy-to-use interface with instant access to all sections of the portal. Quotes of the most popular cryptocurrencies and latest updates of the industry are immediately available to visitors.

“The Crypto Intelligence Portal aims to become the largest, community-oriented and continuously growing knowledge resource for investors, as well as a one-stop place to receive the latest information from top crypto-related media outlets, live quotes, charts and latest analysis — everything that everyday investors may need to become successful in cryptocurrency trading. It’s another great addition to Covesting’s all-inclusive infrastructure that we are currently building,” Dmitrij Pruglo, CEO of Covesting, said.

Exclusive daily cryptocurrency videos to stay tuned in to market developments.

We want your ideas!

Covesting is looking for talented traders willing to showcase their experience and share the knowledge with community. This is a win-win approach for everybody, learn and grow your own skills and help others develop as intelligent investors as well.

You can register on the Crypto Intelligence portal and submit your trading ideas together with a chart and short description. We look forward to seeing your best picks on the market!

We are in close contact with trading professionals who will join the portal in a few weeks time once its polished.

By the way, we are still looking for additional writers who have an interest in writing about the cryptocurrency industry. Registration is available at the link, or you may contact @paulhinrichsen on Telegram.

Help us improve!

This is the initial Beta version of Crypto Intelligence portal, which will be continuously improved, and we need your help with it! We don’t expect all things to be perfect from the very beginning, and that is why if you manage to spot a bug, or if you have any interesting ideas/suggestions, please share them with us! You will find links to the respective forms in the footer of the webpage. Feel free to use them — we are happy to hear from you!

Continuous growth

We aim to consistently improve Crypto Intelligence portal, and soon you will see new features such as a Discussion Forum, expert interviews, Podcast Live trading, advanced trading tutorials and much more.

We will be happy to see you, and let’s become “Crypto Intelligent” together!

Covesting Team



Covesting Blog

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