Aktifo: An Interview

Font Stuff
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2020

Aktifo comes in 28 styles with two versions: Aktifo A and Aktifo B, which both have differences in characters and spaces. Developed with powerful OpenType features, equipped with extended language support, and filled with fun extras to make your typesetting incredibly versatile and enjoyable. We spoke with Deni to learn more about the design.

What inspired you to design this typeface? Were you designing for a specific use case or customer? Or were you more focused on a particular artistic vision? Or some combination of both?

When I started designing Aktifo, the considerations were based on customer needs in addition to the aesthetic approach. The aesthetic approach has more servings because for me this is a challenge, as I want typeface to answer the needs of every medium.

Walk us through the process of designing this typeface. Was there anything different about it, compared to your usual process? Did it come along more easily than others, or were there unique challenges?

As the first concept for Aktifo, I wanted a low x-height geometric grotesque sans serif with perfect circular curvature. The challenge was to make sure that it didn’t look proportionally awkward. Being the first typeface that I designed with many OpenType features, it was an ambitious idea to break up the rules. However, Aktifo can functionally address everyones needs. The two-story “G” character is a unique and powerful identity that has modern characteristics, contemporary of the genre. Overall, Aktifo is very easy to use, as it has beautiful proportions.

Looking ahead, are there new projects you’re excited about? Anything you haven’t tried yet but are eager to explore?

Of course! there are still many things that I want to explore and am very enthusiastic about new things. Every new typeface design comes with a new challenge and I am always eager to make things that I have never tried.

