April 2019 Report & Analysis

Melissa Adams
The CPAY Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2019

We’re officially into 2Q of the year and business is already expanding. April is always a busy month for us as more events take place globally for Cryptopay to attend with the intention to increase networks and explore avenues for new business. We hope you had an equally pleasant and productive April. Firstly, let’s look at the numbers for April 2019.

The Numbers
Total April 2019 revenue: € 196,572
April 2019 Revenue share: € 19,657
Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.022
Distribution date: May 7th, 2019

April was a very dynamic month for BTC; after continuous crypto-winter for the last 5 months, April may be the first sign of crypto-spring. On April 1st, the price of BTC spiked dramatically from around $4,000 to close to $4,700, a 17.5% jump, in a matter of hours. By April 3rd, it broke through the $5,000 mark for the first time since November 2018. Little did we know that this was only the beginning — the bull stampede continued throughout the month bringing us to today’s $5,900 new yearly high!

Cryptopay’s revenue immediately reacted to such rally, displaying a very healthy 35% month-to-month growth — a very nice thaw that we are looking forward to converting into a truly hot summer! As always the increase has been first of all driven by the B2B customers whose number further grew by several new merchants. However, this time we’ve witnessed a significant growth, also in the B2C revenue with all B2C products going up by more than 30%. It is a pleasure to see how our customers return to Cryptopay services and new customers are joining the ever-growing Cryptopay community too!

After significant growth during April 2019, B2B revenue now constitutes for almost 75% of the total revenue figure. The remaining 25% of B2C generally consists of wallet exchange and bank withdrawal/top-up operations with the card deposits continuously growing during 2019. Up until now it has reached 30% of all B2C revenue which supports the evidence of a truly sustainable development.

B2C Updates
We will soon be publishing some exciting news about Cryptopay’s new features and products coming in May 2019 — so stay tuned! To uncover the curtain ever so slightly, one of these new features include fast and easy GBP bank accounts, meaning our customers will be able to deposit and withdraw from the wallet in GBP very soon!

B2B Updates
Our B2B service keeps its growth as we constantly develop our products. We have several new merchants in the pipeline waiting to be fully integrated to start using our services. At the same time our B2B managers continue to attract new keen clients into progressive negotiations. We continue to keep an open mind to the possibilities of adding new features to the B2B service — having said it, we have plans to start working with offline businesses, helping them set their payment processing services. As always, we are still working to improve exchange rates that we offer our B2B clients including Minor UI and UX improvements to our API.

That’s our April in a nutshell, how was your month? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

