2014 LeanUX Slides and More

Link to slides, images, and notes to LeanUX NYC 2014

Brian M. Lee
4 min readApr 10, 2014

LeanUX NYC 2014 held from April 10-12th, 2014 in Newport, New Jersey. This is a collection of the slides, sketchnotes, transcripts, etc. from the conference. These materials are heavily in demand by attendees, so it would be very convenient to have as much as possible in a single location. Similar effort has been done for the 2014 IA Summit by @creativenewman.

If you have any material from the 2014 LeanUX conference, please let me know at @brianmlee 0r comment below. Links will be posted for each of the talks and workshops.

T: #LeanUX14

Wednesday Bootcamps

  • Cynefin Bootcamp
  • LeanUX Bootcamp with @jboogie

Thursday Sessions

Morning Sessions

  • 6 Ways Results-Driven Learning Can Transform Work Culture — Carmen Scheidel
  • LeanUX Wins: Design Thinking in Large Enterprises — Ariadna Font Llitjos

Afternoon Sessions

  • Restarting the Enterprise (Why Innovation Teams Suck) — Adrian Howard
  • Keynote: It’s the Process, Jim, But Not As We Know It — Dave Snowden

Friday Workshops and Sessions

Morning Workshops

…… https://www.dropbox.com/s/nbwbsty0nob7825/MTL%20for%20LeanUX.pdf

Afternoon Workshops


General Sessions

  • Creation & Production Combined: The Power of Connected Worlds — Markus Andrezak

Saturday Workshops and Sessions

Morning Workshops

  • Applying the Cynefin Framework for Improving Speed, Agility, and Innovation — Michael Cheveldave
  • Inclusive Design & Lean UX — Kel Smith, Elle Waters & Sophie Hwang
  • Designing an MVP that Works for Your Users — Ari Font Llitjós
  • Story-mapping the User Experience — Donna Lichaw
  • Design Thinking for Designing and Delivering Services — Zaana Howard
  • How to Draw Quick, Useful UI Sketches — Lane Halley
  • Mapping the Customer Journey — Jodie & Stephen Moule
  • Overcoming Analysis Paralysis — A Case Study in Ethnographic Methods — Lynn Teo

Afternoon Workshops

  • Decision-Focussing — How to clarify Decisions and Get Information required for Decision-Making — Kim Ballestrin
  • Capturing Product Vision with the Idea Stack — Eli Bozeman
  • Making Sense of Messy Problems: Systems Thinking for Complex Business Models — Johanna Kollmann
  • Mapping Your Minimum Viable Experience — Courtney Hemphill
  • Introduction to Design Studio Methodology — Oonie Chase & Will Evans
  • Visual Problem Solving & Facilitation — Dean Meyers
  • Enhancing Proto-Personas With Characterizations — Chelsey Delaney & Taren Sterry

Closing Sessions

  • Conditions for Success: People, Skills, Spaces for Healthier Design — Dan Szuc
  • Management, Alignment, and Collaboration Done Differently — Arne Rook & Fridtjof Detzner
  • Design Studio as Culture — Shalinee Sharma
  • Designing For Services and Long-Term Innovation — Shelley Evenson



Attendee Notes



Brian M. Lee

Cloud & Desktop UX Manager @WolframResearch | Usability | Cognitive Engineering | Photography | Rocket Scientist from @GeorgiaTech