Azure App Service Custom Authentication

5 min readDec 9, 2017

In this article, I will explain the concepts for Azure App Service Custom Authentication and provide sample code for the corresponding server side project.

Azure App Service Authentication is a feature that provides turnkey solutions for mobile & web apps to authenticate users with very minimal development efforts . It uses federated identity, in which a third-party identity provider stores accounts and authenticates users. Azure App Service supports five identity providers out of the box: Azure Active Directory, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Account & Twitter. Under the hood, the authentication process works as show in the diagram below:

Azure App Service Authentication Process

Authentication Process

1.The user signs in with one of the built-in authentication mechanisms, say Google.2.The authentication request is forwarded to the identity provider3.The identity provider authenticates the user and relays this to the Azure App Service4.Upon successful authentication, Azure App Service will generate a token that will uniquely identifies the user for the application. We will be using the Json Web Token (JWT) approach provided by ASP.Net Core to achieve this functionality.5.The token is then received by the web/app client. The client provides this…




I work as an Enterprise Architect at Amazon Web Services. I am passionate about learning new technologies & using them to help solve my customer's problems