How I went from 0 to $1000/month on Etsy in only two months

7 min readNov 22, 2022

These are the most important things I’ve learned.

I’m like everybody else — I’ve dreamt about passive income and making money from home for ages.

I’ve read about the people who manage it, and can spend their days laying on a beach somewhere, while the money seem to come flooding in, without them lifting a finger (except to order more Margaritas).

But that person hasn’t been me. Far from it, actually.

I’ve earned plenty of money, but always in corporate jobs where the hours I put in equal the paycheck — it has never been passive income.

Until now. I’ve finally cracked a code and made passive income stream! I finally have a steady, passive income stream, that seems to take care of itself, without me investing any time in it.

(I’m still in my 9–5 job, of course, but I am very excited to finally have a side hustle that works out.)

Getting to $1000/month

For me, it started in July this year (2022). After reading about various ways of creating passive income, and always thinking that the people who succeeded were smarter/luckier/had better timing than me, I finally got off my butt and tried for myself. And you know what? It worked!




Passionate about passive income such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, e-books & Etsy printables. My homepage & newsletter: