My Grandma Revealed the Secret of Longevity That People in Hunza Valley Follow Every Day

The people of Hunza are blessed with more than the magical sceneries.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Burusho women in the Hunza Valley, Pakistan
The Burusho Women of Hunza Valley

My ancestors are from a country that I can’t even visit safely. I can get a visa but the threat is palpable.

Yet listening to my grandparents' stories I believe I know that place, I feel a part of me belongs there.

My dadi(paternal grandma), the oldest of the mix, lived there longest and remembered its pristine beauty well.

She lived in Rawalpindi but her family used to summer in their ancestral home in Murree Kashmir.

For her Murree was heaven on earth only to be contested by one place — Hunza Valley.

It was their ideal spot for a summer vacation as they tried to visit it as often as possible. As it turns out Hunza Valley is also the home to some of the longest-living people on earth.

Hunza Valley is at the foot of the Himalayas surrounded by the Karakoram K2 range and Hindukush.

Its ecological location gives the resident an edge in the longevity game. Here are the five reasons for their thriving longevity.

1. The Secret Oil That Boosts Their Health



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-