Increasing Revenue Through Abandoned Cart Messaging and Incentives

MailChimp ❤ Agencies
3 min readAug 26, 2016

Issue 11

Last issue, we explored a few of the ways that email personalization and MailChimp’s social media integrations could help you and your clients make more money.

This issue, we’ll focus on the revenue-boosting benefits of incentivizing your campaigns and sending cart abandonment messages to your clients’ customers.

Online shopping carts are abandoned for a number of reasons. But once you’ve connected the client’s store to MailChimp, our Abandoned Cart Automation workflow makes it easy to follow up and encourage customers to complete their purchase. Or, if you’re looking for additional solutions, there are plenty of integrations that can help, too.

Send a follow-up email: After a would-be patron has navigated away from the store, a follow-up email helps keep the store’s products fresh in their minds. Make it easy to jump back into the buying process so they can pick up where they left off. But, also make sure you’re sensitive to the timing. If you send immediately, there’s a chance you might annoy them or come across as desperate. If you wait too long, there’s a chance they’ll lose interest, forget why they wanted the item, or buy it from someone else. Many industry experts recommend sending this email within the first 24 hours after abandonment, but testing will help you identify what resonates with your customers.

Remind shoppers what they’ve abandoned: This may seem like a no-brainer, but when you send cart abandonment emails, don’t forget to clearly state the intention of the message and mention the actual items the customer left in their cart. Include a picture of each item, its price, and maybe even a brief description or a satisfaction guarantee. The customer added the item to their cart for a reason, so give them a little nudge — without being pushy! — and remind them why they’ve gotta have it.

Give customers another reason to come back: Sometimes, a reminder might not be enough. If a standard follow-up email (or two) doesn’t do the trick, consider suggesting other similar items from the same category that might also interest the customers. Or, send them a coupon or other special offer that can be used for the purchase or redeemed after the purchase.

Offer incentives

It might seem counter-intuitive to offer discounts or freebies to make money, but consider the big picture. When customers use coupons or discounts, they’re still spending money on your clients’ products. In some cases, they might even be inclined to spend more if they know they’re getting something else at a lower price. Plus, you’re helping your clients build brand loyalty. Here are a few ways you can incentivize your clients’ email campaigns:

Welcome new subscribers: When someone gives up their email address, they’re also giving trust. The inbox is valuable marketing real estate, even if people don’t always read email campaigns. As such, it’s important to show customers that your clients appreciate the gesture. Try enabling and customizing a final welcome email to send new subscribers a coupon or free download immediately upon joining the list. Or, create an Automation workflow that sends a tailored message, coupon, or offer to new subscribers based on information they provided at signup.

Re-engage inactive customers: Does your client have customers that made purchases in the past but have since been become inactive? Maybe they just need a little extra nudge to come back. Create a segment of everyone who hasn’t made a purchase within a specific period of time and send them an email to promote new products in the store, upcoming events, or special subscriber-only sales that are planned for the future. You could even offer them a limited-time coupon or discount to encourage them to act quickly.

Show appreciation: After a customer makes a purchase from the e-commerce store, thank them for their patronage. Send (or automate) an email to let them know you appreciate their business, provide any applicable care instructions for their new product, and maybe even offer a discount they can use for their next purchase. They’ll be getting a good deal, and you just might increase chances of another sale.

Read the next issue.

This first appeared in MailChimp’s newsletter for agencies. Sign up for the newsletter here.

