Alien Base in 2024: How We’ll Build The Ultimate DeFi Platform

Alien Base
5 min readDec 18, 2023

When we launched Alien Base, our goal was to establish a solid bridgehead to then start bringing alien technology to Earth.

Before we launched, innovation in DeFi was dead. It seems that humans resigned to thinking that there is nothing more to develop except small iterations. The most innovative DEX concepts today create small tweaks to the concentrated liquidity formula pioneered by Uniswap in 2021. Lending “innovation” is fixed rate lending and handling small cap assets.

Trading infrastructure products want to bring TradFi order books to DeFi, for whatever reason. Academia focuses on missing the forest for the trees, releasing the N-th paper on how passive LPing is dumb because it’s passive, or how MEV is evil and no one can escape it.

In this situation, you really need a team of aliens to bring humans out of their self-imposed trap. Aliens think in completely different patterns, and sometimes that’s exactly what you need.

So far, our mission on Earth has been all about blending in, looking just like anyone else. Now, that changes. With 4 core tenets, Alien Base will upturn everything that people normally think about decentralized exchanges.

#1 Alien Base is for trading, not for farming

Currently, nearly all DEXs are interchangeable. The only difference is the amount of liquidity they have, and volume begrudgingly follows it. Uniswap, Aerodrome, Sushi, PancakeSwap and hundreds of others are all the same thing.

The trend for 2024 will be the great equalization of liquidity. With Uniswap V4 launching in the next few months, Uniswap will become a liquidity infrastructure backbone. The other DEXs focusing on liquidity will be struggling to deal with this move, but it leaves a whole new set of opportunities for trader-centric DEXs.

Liquidity is already free to flow, thanks to the permissionless nature of DeFi. But nobody has taken advantage of this fact. Everyone tries to jealously guard liquidity, which worked for TradFi and CeFi, but it won’t work in the new decentralized world.

We are starting to implement many measures that will make Alien Base the place to trade everything DeFi has to offer. Liquidity will be routed from the best sources, ensuring that any asset listed can be traded with minimal slippage. By itself, this is the bare minimum that any DEX should achieve.

But users will also have unique benefits by trading on Alien Base. Better, more informative user interfaces. Automated trading including stop loss orders, true limit orders, automated strategies and more.

Being a place for traders is a product mindset, not a set of features. It consists of prioritizing the trader experience, giving utility to users, and being compensated for this value. Right now, almost all other platforms do the opposite: compensating users for giving utility to the platform.

#2 Alien Base is about launching new things, experimenting and inventing the new financial order

All of our current liquidity infrastructure will remain, and it will be focused towards the single key benefit of a DEX: the ability to easily launch a new token and create markets for it.

For example, the space of safe and fair memecoin launches has been underexplored. Snipers are everywhere, and they can completely kill a project’s momentum at the start. Using the technology we’ve built up so far, we can revolutionize how new projects launch in this space.

At the same time, one thing has to be clear: Alien Base is not a place for low effort, dishonest projects. Quality vastly trumps quantity.

The liquidity infrastructure is still a fundamental part of any DEX. The ability to create liquidity for new pools is crucial to remain competitive, and not only for completely new projects. Combining liquidity with external sources helps ease the transition from other projects, and benefits every user of Alien Base.

Alien Base will be the DEX of the next great wave of tokens in DeFi. Memecoins, farm tokens, and any new asset that gets people excited. It’s not just a Base-native DEX like every other. It’s a new approach to DeFi.

#3 Options are the future of leveraged trading, and the future of Alien Base

Options distill trading into a game of multipliers and payouts. If you can predict where the price could be at a certain point in the future, you will win. You will not need to care about fakeouts, liquidity, or collateral. As long as you’re right in the end, you’re good.

Options are also very flexible: you could just bet that the price will not be in a certain range. How you pick those defines your risk/return ratio.

Options in crypto have so far struggled to get up due to a very simple reason: they’re made by former TradFi traders. Over there, they’re the only way to bring excitement into an extremely established market full of billion dollar hedge funds.

In crypto, excitement is everywhere, and you can easily get it without reading books on option Greeks. Options must be thought of in a different way.

We have previously launched the Predictions product. It’s an MVP of a simpler options protocol, forked from PancakeSwap. By iterating on this product to increase the number of timeframes, assets and ways to play it, we can create a simple and user-friendly options platform.

After that comes Project Quasar. With this platform, we can turn the impermanent loss that users already experience into a gigantic liquidity pool for options. LPs would support both spot and options trades, with different risk profiles. They would also be free to choose the leverage they require. Everyone is better off.

Quasar enables creating options on absolutely any asset, as soon as it exists. This would be a revolution in creating new markets.

#4 It all combines into Nebula

We’ve spoken about Project Nebula before. It’s our concept of the ultimate DEX, one that is vastly superior to anything that has been done before.

Nebula would allow users full freedom with their portfolio. They wouldn’t need to split their assets in two, and even when they supply liquidity, their LP portfolio would remain fully in their original assets. All while concentrating liquidity up to 50x, and instantaneously creating liquidity for perpetual futures.

Nebula can be matched with existing liquidity pools to dramatically increase their efficiency and flexibility.

Nebula can be used to launch tokens fully bootstrapped. Teams don’t need to have starting capital, they can just let the market decide.

Nebula is an innovative and technically complex protocol. On its own it wouldn’t be enough: it needs a proper ecosystem around it. All of our previous efforts and products lead to Nebula, which magnifies them even more.

