An on-demand waiter system

Sanchit Bareja
1 min readFeb 14, 2014


For restaurants near schools and major office hubs, there’s always the peak period problem. They don’t have enough waiters during lunch and dinner hours.

At the same time, I personally don’t like paying for food. Well I wished everything on earth was for free. As a student though, I would be willing to become a waiter for 2 hours in exchange for free lunch/dinner. I anyway go to on-campus events just for the free food.

Here’s a solution to solve the waiter problem then. Why don’t students who want free food be a part-time waiter at restaurants during peak hours? Or maybe even help out in doing the dishes/cooking the basic stuff like rice. In return, the student gets to eat the food for free as well as bring home an additional meal. No money involved. A favor to benefit both sides.

The restaurant owner would not have to be worried about not being able to handle peak hour rush while not adding employees to the payroll. At the same time, many waiters are actually immigrants but there’s a limit to the % of imiigrant workers a restaurant owner can employ. This would get around that problem as well since these part-time workers are not on payroll.

What do you think?

