Monetizr partnership announcements

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
3 min readJul 17, 2018


As Monetizr is growing fast, we are looking for the best partners to bring out the most of our blockchain based game reward engine! This month we are excited to announce three outstanding partnerships — with Gizer, MagnaChain and Gramarye Media. Making the best for both — gamers and game developers!

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eSports is growing rapidly, the market researchers are predicting 2018 revenues to hit close to $900 million, a staggering 37% increase from 2017’s $655 million. We are excited to officially announce the partnership with our long-time friends from Gizer. They have developed a mobile eSports platform and social marketplace that connects the eSports community — Gamers, Tournament Hosts, Services and more. Gizer will integrate Monetizr to provide tournament hosts the ability to create and sell custom merchandise products for their eSports events. Tournament participants will be able to buy, earn or win exclusive and limited edition products right inside the Gizer app. Either it will be hoodies with game graphics or backpacks for the playing team, Monetizr will handle it!


Also, we are excited to announce the partnership with MagnaChain! MagnaChain is a completely new, built from scratch, public Blockchain and related integration toolset used for distributed application (dApp) development. They are building their platform together with Epic Games Unreal game engine and Monetizr’s game reward engine will reward gaming companies who will use the new public Blockchain protocol.

Gramarye Media

The Atlanta based start-up Gramarye Media led by John Adcox, a 20 year marketing and advertising veteran and his well-experienced team of entertainment industry gurus. They are disrupting the Hollywood model by mitigating the risk, reducing costs, and opening new revenue streams for story franchises. Gramarye Media is partnering with Monetizr to use its reward engine across Gaming, Films, Television, Books and New Media industries. Their model focuses on the core story development across multiple media channels, thus creating trans-media franchises that expand storytelling in ways that are meaningful to audiences.

Monetizr is excited about partnering up with MagnaChain, Gizer and Gramarye Media— these are three perspective companies, that can benefit both — gamers and game developers. The gaming industry is growing rapidly, so we believe that in the long-term these partnerships will bring value to the industry. Monetizr is looking forward to the future of improving the gaming ecosystem together with our new friends!



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers