British Far Right Extremism Manipulating Ireland

Irexit Parody
16 min readMay 17, 2019


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This story covers the evidence of ongoing British far right groups trying to influence Irish people towards an Irish exit from the EU. These people do not have Irish people’s interests at heart. It is about pushing their own personal Anti-EU, right-wing messaging, while pretending the genesis of that project originated within Ireland.

We have also evidence of individuals from Ireland willing to ignore our country’s interests, in order to benefit from this foreign far right influence. They are doing so in order to spread their own anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, anti-gay beliefs. In the case of the ring leaders, some of this is about financial reward.


About a month back, after seeing endless UK based social media accounts pushing Irexit, I was drawn into trying to figure out where these accounts originated. The Irexit party seemed to have an official party website created by a fake web development company. (I did get to the bottom of who runs that but I don’t believe they are relevant to this story). However, I also noticed the unofficial social marketing campaign around Irexit, was being run under the Muintir na héireann website and social media accounts. This is where in the terms and conditions of the Muintir na héireann website, I found the first link to infamous British far right individuals. Muintir na héireann’s terms and conditions pointed to the same address as the European Knights Project and Liberty Defenders —

Source — Muintir na héireann, Liberty Defenders & European Knights Project

See the first tweets about this here –

Muintir na héireann privacy policy

Who are the European Knights —

The Liberty Defenders —

For more on the European Knights as an anti-semitic organisation —

All these websites are registered to the same address — 14 Blundell Avenue Southport PR8 4TA UNITED KINGDOM

The address was at that time the home of Jack Sen — (real name Dilip Sengupta)

14 Blundell Avenue Southport PR8 4TA UNITED KINGDOM

In this recent Channel 4 documentary, you can see them arriving at the address, about 4/5 mins in

However there were more links. The Google Analytics code used is identical on all these sites created by Jack Sen.

Moreover, the contact name listed on the Muintir na héireann website is

See for yourself —

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First tweets published

At the point this story first appeared on my twitter feed, the individuals involved quickly began deleting evidence of inter-messaging with the Irexit Freedom party. First messages from Irexit party members to Muintir na héireann started disappearing. The next day the Muintir na héireann twitter account with over 3,647 followers was deleted to hide the information it contained. Some messages were gathered before we tweeted the address link but nevertheless, the lesson was learnt. For the last month we have been discretely investigating further, as well as recording and documenting what we have found.

I expect there may be a similar purge once this story goes out, so have taken steps to archive what is currently live.

An internet archiving tool has been used to document the Muintir na héireann website, should that website be deleted, our evidence can still be verified within that archive.

Who is Jack Sen?

Jack Sen, real name Dilip Sengupta, is a self-styled spin doctor for nationalist movements. He manages websites and social media campaigns to promote his own beliefs and those of prominent figures in far right extremism. In between his regular Skype’s with David Duke (former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan), Jack Sen took time to run for election with his associates within UKIP, only to be thrown out at the last minute for public anti-Semitism comments about labour candidate Luciana Berger’s Jewish ethnicity.

Even White Supremacist John de Nugent believed Jack Sen was reincarnated from the Third Reich. He was found to have been bankrolling Jack Sen’s bid for Parliament.

When Jack Sen was removed from UKIP, Nigel Farage was forced to publically apologise for the comments attributed to Sen and those posted on Sen’s Twitter account. He told ITV News: “We’ve got over 5,000 people standing for us at this election, and less than a handful have caused us a problem. “Ukip is a non-sectarian, non-racist party and we’ve actually got a remarkable number of people standing for us from every single walk of life, from every religion and every ethnic group in this country.”

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It seems however that Nigel’s public statements and his private actions in this case, may not entirely align.

Muintir na héireann

After the twitter account was deactivated, attention was focused on Muintir na héireann’s other web presence, its website and its facebook group.

It was clear that, although Jack Sen may have been good at running the social media campaign for extremists, web development was not his strength.

The upload folder on the Muintir na héireann website has not been properly secured and therefore its contents are publically available, if you know where to look.

Source — Uploads Directory of

The folders on Muintir na héireann go all the way back to an earlier version of the site and Jack Sen’s work on campaigns dating back to 2014, through the European Knights Project. All this content is still now contained within Muintir na héireann —

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If indeed this evidence gets deleted, you can still confirm it’s original existence though the internet archive machine. If the links under the following images stop working, go to the wayback machine and post in the url’s listed under our Muintir na héireann images. For example –

Gives you this record —

Jack Sen’s early work focused on white supremacy in South Africa, going under the name G Wolf

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This author G Wolf is also the author of numerous Irexit backing posts on Muintir na héireann.

G Wolf articles —

Some of the content on Muintir na héireann is deeply neo-nazi, including lots of anti-semitic, racist messages and imagery –—

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Here is Jack Sen with his Southport based team — these images too are stored within folders on the Muintir na héireann website.

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Muintir na héireann also contains some screen shots of bank payments made by and to Jack Sen. The following was sent by Jack Sen to David Matthew Parrot — a known US White Supremacist —

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Interestingly there is also a payment made to Jack Sen from a BNP member called Jeremy Bedford-Turner. Jeremy was involved with the National Front and the British National Party. He was thrown out of the Army after officers discovered he was a fascist. He was also recently jailed last year for anti-Semitic speeches made in 2016 –

In his payment to Jack Sen, dated November 2015, £600 was for him and another to holiday in Ireland — “Hello Jack, This is 300 * 2 in case you are both forced to have a holiday in Ireland. and 150 for your travel to the BDP conference, 50 for ad hoc extras. Kind regards jez”

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The rise of the Irish Far Right

Perhaps the most revealing and uncomfortable element of what has been found in the Muintir na héireann/European Knights Project archives, is seeing how their extremist manipulation campaign has today been repurposed and replicated by individuals in Ireland. The lines of messaging, the themes, nearly 5 years old, are today being repeating by Irish EU election candidates and their supporters, almost word for word.

The following images are European Knights Project originals from the Muintir na héireann folders. However if you search the social media profiles of our known anti-EU, running EU election candidates, you will see the very same messages have simply been localise to Ireland. Far right extremists seem to repeat the same themes regardless of what country they try to spread into. Its just a simple rinse and repeat wherever they go.

This image below has been rebuilt instead using a map of Ireland highlighting Mosque locations. You may have already seen this theme being shared by certain Irish EU candidates.

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The next image was used by Jack Sen nearly four years ago to then support White Supremacy in America. Today the same message is being repeated by our EU candidates in Ireland. It is an offensive innuendo implying that our government’s agenda is a sexualization of children.

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Attacks on the existing media messages have also been repeated. The far right in Ireland use this in exactly the same way as Jack Sen used it to support his anti-Semitic, neo-nazi messaging. Except in Ireland it’s now RTE and our Liberal newspapers.

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Jack Sen also used so called “gay agenda” manipulation to spread hate against LGBT people — we all recognise this messaging used by our right wing populist figures in Ireland.

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Of course the Unicorns!! Source —

You will also recognise the anti-Semitic Soros slur that’s spewed almost daily by Irish Far right.

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The “fires” and “false flag” conspiracy theories around local events , implying they are part of some globalist agenda. Again we’ve witnessed this same message tactic reused recently in Ireland.

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The lies about non-white people having low IQ’s. These populist lies have been repeated by those same individuals.

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And their standard retorts —

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And how our leaders are not really indigenous to here…

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and the “take back our country” straplines..

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Finally that sinister conspiracy theory, being used daily and freely like a dogwhistle by our Irish far right — “Smash Cultural Marxism” —

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You would believe these images were created today to support the messaging of our anti-EU campaigners and National Party members; No these have been created 5/6 years ago. They were used by Jack Sen and his neo-nazi collaborators to support their numerous extreme far right campaigns across the globe. All of those images and slogans are now hidden in the Muintir na héireann folders. The themes are simply being reappropiated for use in Ireland. Like a form of Rinse and Repeat Manipulation.

Focus on Ireland

In 2017, after the brexit vote, the European Knights Project began to focus on Ireland. Many of its posts were directed at Ireland but still had a very UK perspective to them –

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Irexit Freedom Party Launch

Then in the last week of January 2018, the European Knights Project website was copied and re-skinned to become Muintir na héireann. This was done in the days surrounding Nigel Farage’s EFDD group launching the Irexit Freedom campaign at the RDS in Dublin.
Source — EFD invite on

Here is one of the very first images to appear on the site under the Muintir na héireann redesign. It is of one of two UCD Professors, who support the Irexit Party. This is Ray Kinsella and this image was used to support his speech at the Irexit RDS launch –

In the weeks and months that followed, Muintir na héireann became the defacto website for coordinating Irexit gatherings –

This continued until the launch of the party’s official website, launching late 2018/early 2019.


When the first connections between Muintir na héireann and European Knights Project were made, Irexit party members implied it had no direct connections to their party. Meanwhile message exchanges were deleted and the Muintir na héireann twitter account was deactivated; a significant step as this account had 3,647 followers. That account took time and effort to build up such a following but it was simply sacrificed to hide further interconnections with others.

Source — Muintir na héireann twitter account (once original story broke)

Like the story of how its two fake candidates appeared on their website, a story was spun to get the Irexit party out of controversy. I spent years building websites and no agency or developer creates full detailed persona’s and matching stock profiles, as simply “Place filler”. That level of effort would never be put into holder text, that is just not realistic. It’s why we use things like Ipsum lorem.

Source — @AarRogan twitter feed
Source — Irexit Website (Mairead and Cristina were fake yet had full persona profile pages with full biography on each)

….then the explanation of where the 40k+ spent on billboard campaigns, came from — “party members”…

Source @berniequinn twitter account— all 10 of them…

…all done before official funding had to be declared. What about the other numerous Irexit conferences held around Ireland? . Perhaps its time Ireland said we’ve had enough of spin doctoring.

The first account the official Irexit Party Twitter followed, was Muintir na héireann —

Source — Irexit twitter account
Source — Irexit twitter feed

The following messages were also captured before the data purge. In week that the European Knights Project website was being relaunched as Muintir na héireann, Irexit President — Hermann Kelly can be seen sharing speaker lists with the individuals behind Muintir na héireann.

Source — Muintir na héireann twitter feed

Here is the Irexit Party’s National organiser Kate Lawlor.

Source — Irexit website

Here is Kate (Caitlin Ni Leathlabhair) implying she doesn’t know who Muintir na héireann is after the first story broke—

Source — Kate Lawlor twitter feed

Here is Kate writing for Muintir na héireann.

“2019 will be our year ..#Irexit”

Here is Hermann and Kate quickly in to congratulate Muintir na héireann’s account manager on the birth of their new baby. Note how Kate demonstrates she knows the individual, family and wife very well.

Source — Muintir na héireann twitter feed
Source — Muintir na héireann twitter feed

Note below how Kate uses the pronoun “Us” to describe a Muintir na hÉireann event.

The Irexit Freedom Party personally knew the person/people running Muintir na héireann and its social media accounts. They knew them and at a minimum actively engaged in sharing content and party messaging with them.

Source —
Source — Hermann Kelly’s Facebook post
Source — Hermann Kelly’s Facebook post
Source — Hermann Kelly’s Facebook post

Finally, Muintir na héireann even solicited to run the Irexit newsletter -

Source homepage of —

Impending Spin

When the connection between Muintir na héireann and the European Knights Project first appeared on my timeline, a journalist helped pick up the story. However, since then there has been a rhetoric used, by those this story applies to, of it being a “smear campaign” and “hit job”. This is to try to sully this story. To imply it somehow has some political agenda it is trying to promote. That is simply not true.

I am or at least until this, was no activist of any kind. I had no political or media connections whatsoever. I believe EU scepticism is important to keep our EU honest…but from within it, helping to make it better.

However I was hearing people like Kate Hoey and David Vance, who have nothing but disdain against the Republic of Ireland, suddenly proclaim how Irexit is a real thing. That Ireland would be following their Brexit wet dream and that they are somehow “with us” in solidarity. Yet being Irish and living in Ireland, I saw and felt no such sentiment. That is why I started looking into the Irexit Party. You could immediately see there was a distinctly not Irish flavour to it, but at that point there was no hard evidence to confirm that.

When I stumbled upon the Muintir na héireann — Jack Sen connection, I had hoped someone else would pick it up from there. To be honest most journalists I reached out to, showed no interest. With the exception of one, the rest just blanked the story. That is why I took responsibility to pursue it. Not because of an agenda but because the full story mattered.

Some serious questions do need to be asked here —

  1. Why would, after throwing him out of UKIP, Nigel Farage and/or his associates again use or aid a known neo nazi, to support the Irexit campaign?
  2. How would Hermann Kelly, who lives in brussels working in PR for Nigel Farage’s EU party EFDD, be allowed the freedom to return to Ireland to form a new anti-EU party, without that being the express wishes of Nigel Farage himself?
  3. Where did the Irexit campaign get all its funding from?
  4. Where did the Irexit campaign get all its funding from?
  5. Where did the Irexit campaign get all its funding from?
  6. After Hermann Kelly’s involvement in libertas and that funding fiasco, why would our media choose to give this even a second worth of airtime to platform the next move?
  7. Finally it is clear that the Irexit Party do not stand alone but have the backing and support of a cabal of other “independent” candidates and parties. Why do irish people have to go to some random twitter account to see this? Why is our established media not better at explaining these interconnections to our voters? More on the interconnections here —

