2 min readSep 8, 2014

Could Solution Supermarkets Change Earth’s Timeline?

Everyone’s talking about a Renaissance, but not sure how to take the next step. So boil it down, simplify: Cram all these new technologies under one roof. Or stick them on one single site.

One day soon, I want to be able to walk into a warehouse, supermarket or local store, and find aisles full of solutions, not rows full of useless plastic toys.

Devices That Solve Basic Human Problems


Lifesaver bottles, Lifestraws, and Iodine purification kits, ozone machines, charcoal filters and ultraviolet water treatment pens.


100 dollar vertical farm kits. Modular solar dehydration kits, non-GMO rapid growth seed kits. Sprout farms.


No fillers, no bulk bottles. Individually wrapped sachets of high quality minerals and vitamins. Buy one or 100 in a box. Sell them in a market stall.


Crowdfunding Consultants. Crowdfunding Classes. Ethereum. Bitcoin.
Grassroots financial think tanks. Regional meetups.


A cafe with acoustic music. Meet other changemakers.

How Do We Use This Stuff?

Step right up sir, the experts are waiting. See that room full of bright eyed young people there?

Grassroots Knowledge Market:

A room full of freelance advisers and consultants. Moss Eisley cantina meets Medium. Any question answered:

How do I sell this stuff?

Will this work in Dubai?

What are the licensing laws in my state?

Can Alfalfa grow in subtropical villages?

No Question Too Small

Rows of consultants charging per 15 minutes. Sit down, ask and learn. Freelancers pay 10 per cent of their takings to the house.

The name of this imaginary supermarket? Call it…I don’t know. Liberty-mart, Solution Supermarket, Freddies Freedom Emporium. Call it anything….

Just get it done already. We need 100,000 of these all over this wretched planet.


I'm developing a free PDF on technology that can raise standards of living worldwide. Work in progress page: