A startup without face. 

The reasons why I’m hiding.

Strange Geek
4 min readMay 10, 2014

The technology fascinates me almost since I was a child, I became a human being who can not stay away from a computer for more than 27 minutes (God bless mobile devices). I am an entrepreneur and almost every day of my life I try to pay close attention to everything around me, always questioning things and looking for answers. I am a stalker, I like to watch people very carefully and without distinction, no matter whether it is a friend who I know all my life or someone who is drinking a cup of coffee in the table next to me; I intend to imagine how their lives are, what they enjoy, their fears, their problems, that sort of things; I do it by listen through pieces of their conversations, analysing their behaviours, detecting patterns, links, trends, etc. All that, gives battery to my brain and I start to think about, what would I do to make better to this person or how can I solve their problems? Always through some technological development that is my expertise field.
This has led me to start several companies pursuing these objectives primarily, sometimes I have succeeded, and that for me has been a tremendously rewarding experience and the engine that motivates me to go that way.

Recently I decided to keep a low profile and hide my identity, I have done this for two reasons:

1. Attract attention to my work, not to me.

These days, be a technology entrepreneur has become a trend that attracts hundreds of thousands of people around the world, motivated by stories of companies who were born in a garage and now have hordes of users and billions of dollars worth. To this I call “EnTRENDpreneurship” and like any trend is cyclical and during the history of the world there are particular examples of this, as the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, mass production, among others. They attracted the attention of people with skills that could create pieces of art, objects or machines. Then come enthusiasts, people who was marveled at the work performed; some remained only as spectators, but others could afford to purchase any of these wonderful objects and a few even became sponsors (which in the modern world we know as investors), they gave large sums of money to the creators/inventors in exchange for an economic profit or sometimes just for power or pleasure.
When value is generated, another group of people is attracted also: opportunists; people starting to take advantage of the “momentum”. A certain percentage of these are successful and are followed by others, but a huge percentage fails in the attempt.
It is clear that for several years, there is an explosion of news, events, angel investors, acceleration programs, co-working spaces and tv shows, many of them were created with the good intention of spreading the entrepreneurial spirit, facilitate access to resources and to develop an ecosystem that will eventually lead to the technological development. However, a good part of these were created to take advantage of the ‘momentum’, turning it into a very profitable business, created by marketing formulas and sold at random, regardless of the damage that could cause.
With the above I do not mean to discourage anyone or discredit the entrepreneurial movement that has arisen in recent years, I just want the work of my actions speak for itself, I’d like people to talk about the good and bad for what the product is “per se” and not by the figure behind him.

2. As the uncle Ben once said: “With great power comes great responsibility”

I’m a guy deeply concerned about finding solutions concerning security issues and is sadly a problem that plagues millions of people in various parts of the world. My task for several years has focused on making technology that helps to improve the quality of life of my users, so they can live in a better world and enjoy peace of mind knowing that they and their families are safe. If one day I get to achieve that goal, I will be one of the happiest men in this world and I will get the best exit any company can have: I will close the company because crime rates and crime have declined to such an extent that people can enjoy your family in a safe environment and doesn’t need my products anymore.
Today I have a firm commitment to change people’s lives, I hope that you, who are reading this, become one of those that I can influence positively.
Possibly I will need help, please follow me on twitter as @strangeek to stay in touch, I appreciate very much a good conversation.



Strange Geek

I love technology and I live thinking how to use it to create great things to help people in the world