I Received a Vision of the New Earth

I was shown the past, present, and future of humanity and Earth. Here is what “they” told me we needed to do to shift over successfully onto our next evolutionary stage.

Zenobia Hong
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readAug 6, 2024


Source: Petrovich9 from Getty Images Signature

Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of consciousness and the burning up of the ego. — Eckhart Tolle

The insights and revelations I’m about to share were shared cautiously over the past 10 years, mindful of how it might be received by those less receptive to such concepts. It was a very visual and cognizant vision that unfolded before my inner eye–a tableau of humanity and earth’s past, present, and future. The visual narrative conveyed a telepathic understanding as if thoughts were being directly formed in my mind, executed with remarkable flow and efficiency. Although I have my theories on who or what provided me with such a vision, it is clear that the intention behind the vision was about getting the message across rather than the messenger, as is mine for this article. Little did I know at the time that what was about to be revealed to me was an ancient prophecy.

The Evolution of Humanity

Source: duncan1890 from Getty Images Signature

The telepathic projection began with a timeline rolling out into infinity, chronicling the entire human evolution to date, traversing the principal stages of human evolution, echoing Charles Darwin’s Theory of evolution: survival of the fittest and natural selection. We are alive today thanks to our early ancestors whose sole purpose was to survive. This primal fear-driven response developed the necessary physiological and psychological tools to survive life-threatening situations and dangers. Therefore, this survival mechanism is deeply rooted in our DNA and biology. We are the product of billions of years in the making.

However, operating from this outdated survival mode in today’s modern society creates a massive imbalance and disconnect between our internal and external worlds—highly unsustainable.

Survival Mode vs. New Purpose

Today, most of us have more than our basic needs met: food, shelter, companionship, and more—a true luxury. However, operating from this outdated survival mode in today’s modern society creates a massive imbalance and disconnect between our internal and external worlds—highly unsustainable. Not only does this outdated mode no longer serve us, but it has become the root cause of both individual and collective turmoil, anguish, and ego—from environmental degradation, greed, wars, depression, and other mental and physical health crises, just to name a few.

The message was loud and clear: Evolve or perish. It is time to shift gears from this survival mode to a new purpose—one towards awakening, expansion, evolution, potential, and consciousness, one that isn’t bound by the patterns of the past but one that has transcended time and space and creates a new story, reality, and Earth.

This is a quantum jump on a planetary scale—the first shift of its kind in terms of magnitude and speed.

The Tipping Point / The Shift

Source: ZargonDesign from Getty Images Signature

The vision continued with the Earth’s axes shifting by an alloy bracket of a globe, symbolizing what they referred to as the Tipping Point or the Shift, emphasizing that we are currently residing within a short and critical timeframe, where a massive shift is imminent. This representation conveyed that our transition into the next evolutionary stage is a leap or a jump rather than a gradual evolution in a natural order. From the point of view of a human’s life, it may appear like a long time but in the grander scheme of humanity’s entire timeline, it’s a blip. This is a quantum jump on a planetary scale—the first shift of its kind in terms of magnitude and speed. This forthcoming stage might no longer bear the title of “Humans”, just like we no longer belong to the stage of “Homo Habilis”.

A Glimpse into the New Earth

Source: Movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Warner Bros. Pictures

This is where things could have easily belonged to the realm of sci-fi. The vision ended by granting me a peak through the future of Earth, greeted by a translucent light being, lean and long, radiating the essence of light. (This being reminded me of the one from the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence as per the image above.) It gave me a tour of what the future of Earth looked like. Words fail to capture the profound harmony I saw and felt. I was made to understand that our own evolution made the rest of the earth evolve as well — such as the animal and vegetation kingdoms. That is how powerful human beings are.

My research eventually traced back to the Bible, the Book of Revelation, where this prophecy heralds the birth of a New Heaven — Heaven, it’s said, resides within us, manifesting outwardly from this higher consciousness.

An Ancient Prophecy

Source: Trifonov_Evgeniy from Getty Images Pro

After I received the vision, initially in disbelief, I began to research and piece the various perspectives about the New Earth together over the years, giving me a better and more complete understanding of the bigger picture. My research eventually led me to the Bible, the Book of Revelation where they talk about a New Heaven and a New Earth being born— Heaven, residing within us and manifesting it outwardly from this higher consciousness. Earth has begun to undergo a metamorphosis — a serpent shedding the vestiges of the old paradigm to make way for the new. Despite the obvious challenges of our time, I became in awe at the realization of being able to participate in the most monumental time in the history of Earth — the unfolding of an ancient prophecy known as the New Earth.

It is our destiny to transition to this new phase as a collective, yet it is also our responsibility to make it happen.


We now find ourselves at a crossroads in our evolution. Who we choose to be, what we do, and how we do it, either from a place of unconsciousness or consciousness in this transitional phase holds immense power. They will determine whether we propel forward in our evolution or spiral downward toward self-destruction.

Presently, Earth hosts an unprecedented number of souls who all came to play a part in bringing about the New Earth, each with unique roles but unified by a shared purpose. A powerful momentum is underway and our collective journey remains steadfast. It is our destiny to transition to this new phase as a collective, yet it is also our responsibility to make it happen. We are the co-creators of both Earth, the cosmos, and the divinity within us.

Your fellow lightworker,



