It’s not that men don’t shop. It’s just that they shop Different!

2 min readFeb 8, 2019


Men generally carry a don’t care attitude while shopping. They don’t care if the product that they are looking for is on sale, they don’t compare prices, they don’t bother going to multiple shops looking for the same product. However, quality and efficient payment process is important to them. They want to get in, get what they need and get out fast. So, what are few things that men benefit by:

More Price Conscious and Less Time-Sensitive: Understanding the product, how it should be used and knowing it’s features. Though this process takes longer, results of the product purchase is far better. Also, not settling for less-than-ideal product and following this method can help avoid another shopping trip.

Being More Discriminating: Though men are not likely to compare products before a purchase, growth of e-commerce business has stimulated this behaviour thus making men just like women. Men are employing shopping methods used effectively by women in the offline world. This newly developed behaviour among men can slowly transfer to physical shopping too.

Anticipating Future Requirements: Women are known to shop for future needs. They find it comfortable to be prepared thus giving them the ability to compare, use coupons and find best deals. On the other hand, men do not think of making a purchase unless the need is immediate thus limiting the ability to find discounts and etc.

Thus, new age shopping means are breaking the myth and stereotype that women shop more. It’s just that men shop Different!!




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