“You’re About to Become The Subject in an Article About Racism”

I’m sick of entitled men thinking they can judge all women

Walter Rhein
Published in
8 min readFeb 15, 2023


Image by Walter Rhein

I made the mistake of logging into social media last night before I went to bed. Some fool that I’ve known for a long time made a comment that was so racist and so misogynistic that it made me embarrassed that I had any connection to the guy.

I told him as much in a public comment.

As I shut off my computer and went to bed, I realized this was probably the end of my relationship with this person. But what was I supposed to do, just let that comment pass?

That’s the one element of this whole situation that brings me a little bit of satisfaction. I’m glad I’m at a point where racist/misogynistic comments provoke an instant, visceral reaction. I’m glad that I don’t have any reluctance to call ignorant people out in public over their deplorable statements.

I gave him the option to retract his comment, but he won’t. I’ve been in this situation enough times to know that much. When people are caught with their pants down and their big racist white butts in the air, they always point their fingers at you and try to act like you’re the one who is somehow at fault.



Walter Rhein

10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist. WalterRhein@gmail.com