The Eight Stages of Death

Bruce McGraw
6 min readJul 12, 2022

Have you ever wondered what happens after you die, or even what happens as you are dying?

Death is a Difficult Topic for our Materialistic Society

Perhaps not. Death is not a popular topic of discussion at cocktail parties or social gatherings.

Who wants to be reminded of the grim reaper when we’re still young and alive, or maybe even old and alive?

In many ancient cultures death was seen as a natural part of life, and not to be feared as it is in our modern materialistic society.

Science has disproven the literal interpretations of our religions, so many people take that to mean any belief in a non-material or spiritual reality is hocus pocus.

A lot of my previous articles have debunked this materialistic worldview, in particular my two-part series entitled, “The Myth of Materialism” and my latest two articles entitled, “What is Reality?” and “Death and the Pure Mind”. I don’t want to rehash that content again, so if you are interested, please check them out.

Those ideas, supporting a non-materialistic view of life, are important because if you do believe there is something beyond the physical world, and that we already inhabit those realms unconsciously, then you might also be interested in becoming more…



Bruce McGraw

I am a college professor who taught, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Humanities and Mythology. I wrote a book: The Magical Universe.