Use Your Favorite Childhood Activity to De-Stress Quickly

Reduce your stress in just 10 minutes with this fun and simple activity.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health



Are you guilty of ignoring your parent's advice?

Do you often want to kick yourself in the behind for not listening to your parents?

They are more right than wrong. They have probably lived through everything that you are going through. They know stress, depression, failure, and much more.

Yet we often ignore their sage advice.

Stress kills. Chronic stress is the Kohinoor in the crown of lifestyle diseases. You can't evade stress, but you can do something to decrease it.

Turns out your parents told you the best way to reduce stress when you were a kid — Play.

Get out of your house

Playtime gave me the best memories of childhood. I used to wait for the clock to strike at 6:00 PM daily to go out and play with my friends.

I would walk around the society go to my friend's houses and shout out their name at the top of my lungs and call them to play.

That is how I used to spend my evenings daily. But then I grew up and it all changed.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-