The Unusual Drink You Should Drink After a Long Run To Beat Leg Cramps

Say bye to muscle cramps with this drink

Khyati Jain
Runner's Life


A women pouring liquid in pickle jar.
Photo by Kristina Snowasp from Pexels

Exercise is great, but it does have its drawbacks. The constant cramps running up and down your body can steal the joys of a good workout.

You are running along a gorgeous trail without a care in the world, enjoying the runners high, and suddenly you get a leg cramp and are forced to stop and stretch.

Cramps are the worst. I have terrible hip cramps, and no amount of stretching or rest can cure them. I have tried sports drinks, coconut water, and muscle electrolytes all for nothing — until I tried this unusual drink that actually helped me get rid of these monstrous leg cramps.

The Unusual Drink

I was looking for a home remedy for cramps when I happen to discover this drink sitting in my kitchen. It’s something so common that actually gets thrown out most of the time.

Pickle juice.

Yes, you read it right. Pickle juice can make your cramps better. A shot of pickle juice is enough to heal your painful leg cramps.

Scientific Reason Why It Works

Scientists used to believe that leg cramps are caused by dehydration or low levels of…



Khyati Jain
Runner's Life

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-