
My guiding principle for 2014

Kim Yuhl
3 min readDec 31, 2013

Ever since I stopped making resolutions and started choosing a word or theme as my focus for the year, my words have all been chosen based on business success. The words themselves applied to life but I chose them with the intention of moving my business life forward.

After a year of great change, heartache and adventure, I knew my word would have more impact on me than ever before. In fact in the past, I barely remembered my word by the end of the year much less used it as a guide.

This year choosing a word has more meaning to me and I want it to represent my life well. I know it can make a big difference, if I let it. So the quest began to choose the best word to guide me through 2014. No pressure.

I started off with


I am launching a new program and have a lot of plans for 2014, so achieve seemed fitting. After a few days it felt a little too structured and business-like. Nope, not the right word.

I thought I had good one in


It’s true, I want more joy in my life. Who doesn’t? I sat with joy for a few days but in the end, my gut was saying no. And for no other reason than it wasn’t quite right, joy was out.

Then I settled on


I think most people think of greed when they hear the word abundance but I just really wanted an abundance of happiness, work, love and calm. I really thought I had a winner here. In fact, abundance lasted the longest. In the end, it too, was just not quite right.

I have recently become a strong believer in doing more things that make me feel good and doing less of the things that don’t. With that in mind, I looked at all the things over a few days time that made me feel good and a pattern emerged. I felt best during and after laughing.

The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.
― Mark Twain

I have done a lot of work on my inner-self this year and feel my head is in a good place. I have also been working hard to launch my new program and I am happy where my business life is heading.

My heart, however, is still broken from the loss of my brother. Come to find out laughter really is the best medicine and this is the kind of medicine that should be easy to swallow. According to WebMD, The Discovery Channel and a few other sites:

Laughter can support the immune system, improve blood pressure, stimulate the organs and reduce pain.

While they don’t specifically say it can heal the heart, I believe when you laugh, you open your heart and mind to possibilities. Possibilities that will lead towards greater achievements, joy and abundance.

Sounds to me like laugh is exactly the right word for me. I will update my journey throughout 2014 with my new navigational aide by my side. Until then, you can find me by listening for the laughter.



Kim Yuhl

Writer, Teacher, Martini Drinker and World Explorer. Oh and I’m happy. Come visit me at