Learn French Idioms with Me #3/100

Avoir du front tout le tour de la tête

Language Lab
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2023


Parts 1 | 2 | 4 | 5

Learning French idiomatic expressions is an important part of mastering the language. Idiomatic expressions are phrases or sayings that are unique to a language or culture, and they add color, humor, and insight to conversations.

They’re a great way to develop a better understanding of the language and sound more like a native speaker when speaking French.

Using French idiomatic expressions can also help you gain a better understanding of the culture. Many of these expressions embody French cultural values and beliefs and are used in everyday conversations.

By learning these expressions, you can gain a better understanding of how the French think and interact with one another.

Meaning of the expression “avoir du front tout le tour de la tête”

Meaning literally “having a forehead around your head,” this expression may seem quite strange and peculiar.

It means to have a nerve (avoir du toupet), to be shameless (être effronté à), to be confident (avoir de l’aplomb), to be bold (avoir de l’audace), or to have gall.

